Monday, April 25, 2011

Not Wearing Sunscreen Daily? Then You're A Dodo!

Rain or shine......You should be using sun protection.

Remember: Sunscreen isn't just for the beach.

It isn't even summer yet, so why are we even discussing the benefits of wearing sunscreen?!

We caught an article at today's Huffington Post about malignant melanoma, and it was a scary read. It was written by NYC plastic surgeon Robert Tornambe, M.D..

Skin Cancer. Of all the kinds out there, it is the most common form of cancer. And take a look at these stats from Dr. Tornambe:

.."Melanoma is responsible for nearly all of the deaths from skin cancer. It is the most common form of cancer found in people 25 to 29 years old. According to the American Cancer Society, there were 68,000 new cases of melanoma reported and 8700 deaths in 2009. Experts expect to diagnose more than 100,000 new cases this year.".

How do we develop melanoma?

"The primary culprit causing melanoma is UV light from the sun or tanning beds," he explains. "Research shows indoor tanning increases a person's melanoma risk by 75 percent! Anyone can get melanoma, but there is a higher incidence in people with fair skin, sun-sensitive skin (tends to burn rather than tan) and a family history of the disease. Five or more sunburns during your lifetime double your risk of developing skin cancer. 80 percent of lifetime sun damage occurs during childhood."

The best defense----sunscreen. And we LOVE this scientifically advanced product----Sunforgettable by Colorscience.

Sunforgettable is a really unique beauty product. It's a mineral-based powder sunscreen. The ingredients contain immediate 8 hour, waterproof protection. And it's a powder base. No more greasies.
And it comes in 3 shades: Perfectly Clear. All Clear. Almost Clear. Application is easy, too. You can put it on with a brush applicator, a roll-on, or a shaker.

By the way, If you wear a liquid foundation, then apply Sunforgettable ON TOP of your foundation. If you only use powder for your makeup, then Sunforgettable should go first.

We found some Sunforgettable here at for $49.50. And the product is pretty amazing if fair-skinned actresses Cameron Diaz and Anne Heche swear by Sunforgettable.

Friday, April 22, 2011

NeoStrata Introduces Quartet Of Advanced Anti-Aging Products: Skin Active

If you're looking for effective beauty products that battle aging skin....sagging, uneven tone, fine lines,, and wrinkles, then you need a potent line of skin care weaponry:

Welcome, NeoStrata Skin Active, featuring a powerful quartet of products that zero in to stimulate cell renewal and boost collagen production.

This 4-way advanced, anti-aging sytem ($79) works beautifully together to deliver results that softening deeper wrinkles, balancing pigment, and firming up the face.

NeoStrata's Skin Active includes this strong yet gentle quartet of products:

1. Exfoliating Wash: Cleanses without irritation; lightly exfoliates. Doesn't over-dry.

2. Matrix Support SPF 20: Formulated with three clinically proven technologies for greater skin repair and strengthening, along with a powerful antioxidant complex to further protect complexion.

3. Cellular Restoration: Rebuilds the deep skin matrix for skin that is firmer, more lifted with a healthy glow.

4. Intensive Eye Therapy: Plumps up the delicate skin around the eye. The eye area appears more lifted and brighter, and crow’s feet are smoothed from the inside out. Caffeine zaps puffiness, while hyaluronic acid adds suppleness.

NeoStrata Skin Active is a wonderful and smart new advanced line of anti-aging products. It's a simple regimen to follow, and the products feel so good on your skin. All 4 seem to 'melt smoothly into the layers of the skin.'.

We've been on this skin care system for a few weeks now, and we're hooked.

For more details, click here.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Kate Middleton:Weight Loss Becomes Main Media Focus As Royal Wedding Nears

Poor princess-to-be, Kate Middleton, can't catch a bloody break. With the royal wedding just 8 days away, the media pressure is mounting to incredible heights.

Brideorexia. That's the newest label being pinned to the 29-year-old British beauty who has captured the eye and heartof Prince William.

Can you believe some of the nasty things being hurled her way:
1. Kate Middleton is wasting away. Looks skeletal.
2. Gone from a size 6 down to a sickly size 2.
3. Kate has 'brideorexia.'
4. She's so thin, her dresses just hang on her now.
5. Her face has become too gaunt---her chin is jutting out.

Really now. Even the Irish Times newspaper penned a column on Monday, criticizing the princess-to-be as being TOO skinny as size 6:

....."But Kate’s too thin, that’s the problem. I’m worried about the wedding dress. She was thin enough in the engagement dress. Then last week she appeared in a blue suit, gaunt. Her lovely knees knocking. Her beautiful face haggard. Is this the way the fairy tale ends – at a size six? Here is the wedding of the year or perhaps of the decade. Here is the happily ever after. And here is the message going out to young women everywhere: once you’ve found prince charming you can give up food forever.
This is serious stuff. Kate Middleton is a model of modern femininity. She seems like a nice girl – although she’s an adult and 30 next January. She appears conscientious, dutiful and beautiful – and she is shrinking before our very eyes. Just as her late mother-in-law did before her wedding 30 years ago...."

So...exactly how tiny has Kate Middleton become?

We're not sure. The tabloids claim she stands 5' 11" like the late Princess Diana. But those who went to school with Kate, claim she is not as tall, maybe around 5' 8".

Some reports say that the princess-to-be was a size 6 up until a few months ago, and has quickly shrunk down to a size 2, which would be very thin for such a long frame.

Other British news articles, claim that Kate Middleton has been on the Dukan diet, which favors eliminating simple carbs like sugars and starches from your diet. Instead, you indulge in low-fat, protein-rich foods, with the promise that you can jump-start weight loss and maintain it for the rest of your life.

Yesterday, the princess-in-waiting did a little shopping in London to add a few more pieces to her honeymoon wardrobe.

We can't imagine the insane amount of pressure Kate Middleton must feel, as the eyes of the world await the wedding of the century. So, to the prying media, "Leave Kate alone!"

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Would You Undergo Laser Surgery To Stop Chronic Underarm Sweating?

Sweating is normal. That's how we cool down our bodies. But when your sweat glands are out of control, that's called hyperhidrosis. And now there's a newer, quicker way to stop excessive underarm sweating.

It's called, Axilase, a $3,000 procedure involving a laser that actually destroys the sweat glands. And it works, but would you try it?

So far, there is only one doctor located in New Jersey who is zapping folks' sweat glands, to cure this embarrassing condition of constant wet armpits.

Dr. Mitchell Chasin of Bridgewater has performed the minor surgery on 20 patients thus far. And says it is even better than Botox injections.

"It's performed in an office setting, takes about an hour to an hour and a half to perform. Patients are treated with local aesthetic, leave the office feeling perfectly well," Dr. Chasin told 'Good Morning America.', earlier today.

"With Botox, they're always wondering, you know, when is it going to wear off. Now we have an effective treatment that can be performed with minimal downtime," he added.

Destroying the sweat glands sounds wrong to us. But then again, if you have tried everything else, except surgery, and you're still sweating like crazy, then a few thousand dollars to stop sweating for good, might be your answer.

The laser procedure is safe, you're awake during the procedure, and you only need about 1-2 days of downtime.

Learn more about Axilase at Dr. Chasin's website.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kardashian Girls All Get Waxed: Veet Has New Wax Strips For Face

We remember reading that reality star Kim Kardashian and her sisters all get waxed from head-to toe. And that mom Kris Jenner began this beauty ritual when her daughters were young, taking the girls to their waxing appointments.

Certainly, if you have dark hair, you might need a little more help in the hair removal department, than most. And if you are Mediterranean, like the lovely K. sisters, then you know what we mean.

Now comes Veet to the rescue! The well-known hair removal pros have been advertising a new product----Veet Ready To Use Wax Strips for the Face. No prep-time....the strips are ready to use, right out of the box.

Let's be honest. Women don't like talking about a few stray hairs in places they shouldn't be, and this product aims to zap them instantly. So, if you can't afford a big waxing procedure like the Kardashian sisters undertake, you can try this one in the privacy of your home.

According to the folks at Veet, their Ready To Use Wax Strips for the Face really work, because of these reasons:

VEET® has specially formulated these wax strips to act like a liquid during application, coating different lengths of hair, even those as short as 2mm.
When you remove the strip, the wax locks the hair – for effective hair removal.
Suitable for delicate body areas like the upper lip, chin, and eyebrow.
VEET® can give you perfectly smooth skin for weeks longer than shaving. The result is smoothness that lasts up to 4 weeks!

There are 20 face wax strips in a box. And the formula doesn't stink, either. Veet allows you to smell like a bouquet of roses. Pick up a box at drugstores or at, for just $4.99.

Monday, April 18, 2011

O.J. Prosecutor Marcia Clark Looks Younger Than Ever At 57

Who could forget Marcia Clark, the lead prosecutor in the O.J. Simpson trial?!

Let's turn the clock back.....that was 16 years ago. We were all glued to our TVs watching the trial of the century, and examining every movement made by the then 41-year-old Clark--- from her courtroom clothing to her makeup choices, and short, curly do.

This morning, Marica Clark made an appearance on Good Morning America to debut her new book, a murder mystery, "Guilt by Association" (Mulholland Books/Little, Brown; pub date April 20; $25.99). And we can't believe how young this woman looks. Amazing!

We would not know that the woman with the brunette sleek bob and high, full cheekbones were the same Marcia Clark during the 9-month O.J. Simpson trial. The new Marcia is now 57. Check out the BEFORE + AFTER photos. We were pretty blown away.

So---does that mean the retired L.A. prosecutor has had either a super plastic surgeon or excellent dermatologist??

We can't say for sure, but Marcia Clark is doing something right.

We suspect that the pretty attorney-turned author is receiving filler, meaning, cosmetic injections like Restylane or Juvederm. These fillers act like plumpers, adding nice fullness and contours to the facial features.

Was there any previous plastic surgery done? Who knows. It's possible. But meantime, she looks darn good. She was toying around with light blonde locks, about a year ago. We are happy to see her return to her natural , dark brunette hair. Her skin looks smooth and youthful.

It just goes to show, that women in their 50s and beyond, can maintain an ageless appearance. And Marcia Clark is proof of that. A little Botox and a few shots of filler CAN make a big difference.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Skin Too Sensitive For Strong Anti-Aging Creams? Try New Gentler StriVectin-SD

Anti-aging creams and serums tend to have some powerful ingredients in them to battle 'Father Time.' And many women develop side effects like itchiness, redness, dryness, swelling and so forth. In turn, some women discontinue using these scientifcally advanced beauty products, because their complexions just can't take the irritation anymore.

Has this ever happened to you? According to the stats by the folks at StriVectin-SD, this is a common beauty problem:

49% of women 25+ with sensitive skin are battling the signs of aging
Then you need to try an anti-aging product without the offending additives. Say hello to StriVectin SD's newest anti-wrinkle formula: Sensitive Skin Intensive Concentrate for Stretch Marks & Wrinkles ($79, at fine dept. stores and here

This one promises to contain the same popular and effective collagen-building formula like all the other StriVectin-SD's in the lineup, except the new gentler StriVectin is fragrance-free, oil-free, paraben-free, allergen-free, and artificial dye-free!

Can this soothing formula really deliver more youthful skin?

StriVectin-SD for Sensitive Skin Intensive Concentrate for Stretch Marks & Wrinkles says it works in 2 ways:

1. To improve the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging. Week 2 Natural collagen resurging; texture and resilience improving Week 4 Natural cell turnover intensifying; visibly fading discolorations Week 8 Elasticity reinforcing, wrinkles and stretch marks visibly diminishing 2.Strengthens skin's barrier and helps make skin feel less sensitive.