Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Not All Vitamin C Serums Are Great: Kleem Organics Proves Theirs Is Superior

Science has shown us that applying Vitamin C serum topically to the skin delivers excellent, rejuvenating power. This incredible anti-oxidant has a strong safety profile. And 'C' improves these skin issues:
photo-aging, hyper-pigmentation, tissue inflammation + tissue healing.

Okay....but since topical Vitamin C has an unstable property, NOT all Vitamin C serums + creams are alike---therefore, you might be tossing big dollars down the drain.

Kleem Organics promises their Vitamin C Serum is one of the best for beautiful skin.

And yes, we are a proud customer, because we think it's a great 'C' in a bottle at a very decent price.

This is Part  2 of the interview we posted here, back on May 10th. We spoke with Kleem Organics founders Dr. Joseph Meli and Dr. Matteo Sorato, researchers in Epigenetics .

1. Keeping liquid Vitamin C serum stable is NO easy process, but Drs. Meli + Sorato explain their success:

"It has got to do with the esterification of Vitamin C producing the STAY-C® 50
(one of the most stable, bio-available forms of vitamin C) which is written at the back of our bottle. STAY-C® 50 (sodium ascorbyl phosphate) maximizes the benefits of traditional Vitamin C because of its ability to stay effective over time without oxidation.

2. Hyaluronic acid/ Vitamin C combo is a good marriage, but getting the Hyaluronic to penetrate effectively, is another challenge. But Meli + Sorato have cleared that hurdle in this way.

....."We decided to invest more in this serum, using minute sizes of Hyaluronic Acid, which penetrate the dermis in noteworthy amounts for best moisturizing and skin-plumping results.
Plus we use particular ingredients that stimulate indirectly the natural synthesis of Hyaluronic Acid."

3. Vitamin C serum is wonderful for BOTH women + men, and it's NEVER too late to begin repairing our skin.

....."Apply vitamin C serum under a sunscreen in the daytime, because the sunscreen blocks UV light and the Vitamin C is a protective antioxidant which eliminates the free radicals which are responsible for 80% of premature aging.

...."Our range of clients goes between 25 and 85 and yes, this serum is absolutely good also for
men, as their skin needs protection and nourishment."

Thank you gentlemen. We have ALL learned a lot of skin-worthy information.

If you can write an honest review about this serum, then the BIG DISCOUNT is yours!


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