Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sorry, RHOBH's Brandi Glanville: V-Shaping Cannot Fully Zap Away Cellulite

Look, cellulute, that dimply fat that likes to show up on women's thighs, butt, stomach and even arms, CANNOT be permanently removed. Period.

So RHOBH star Brandi Glanville, don't get TOO excited about showing the world your latest spa V-shaping cellulite treatments, because the experts know better.

Here's what NYC dermatologic surgeon Neil Sadick says about the common problem of cottage cheese fat removal.

"Regarding your cellulite, it can be reduced but never completely eradicated by any treatment. In our practice we typically use Cool Sculpting to de-bulk and reduce volume in an area, while the Smart Lipo is a great way to remove fat and gently tighten the skin."
(Read more here at

Velashape (V-shaping) is a non-invasive laser procedure that uses Radiofrequency and Infrared Light Energy to shrink fat cells and tighten the skin. It is FDA-approved and uses vacuum + tissue manipulation to tackle the deeper fat layers and  SMOOTH + TIGHTEN the body.

Yes, Brandi---you have a gorgeous figure and your butt looks great, but there is just so much this non-invasive, cosmetic treatment can do.

The reality TV star posted this recent photo on her Twitter page. Oh, Brandi... You are so naughty!

Is there any photo re-touching going on here? Who knows. Maybe Brandi just has a fine behind. At age 42, we must give credit where credit is due, though.

We do admire Brandi's honesty, but maybe some things are best kept hidden.


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