Friday, April 24, 2015

Kelly Rowland Admits To Fans Her Do-It-Yourself Brow Bleaching

'A lil bleach ain't hurt nobody!'

That's what singer Kelly Rowland recently announced on her Instagram page, providing proof that she admits to a little d.i.y. brow bleaching.

Take a look at the photos:

Kelly Rowland ALWAYS looks lovely, but bleaching brows cam be tricky beauty business.

You DON'T want to bleach brows too many shades lighter, because it just appears weird + alien-like. We made that faux pas before a number of years ago.

The new mama to son Titan looks like she has lifted her brow color one shade or two lighter.

If you leave the bleach on for too long you can turn eyebrows brassy blonde.

But if you're a brave, do-it-yourselfer, then try this for $6. We found Jolen Creme Bleach at Walgreens.

Please follow directions carefully and watch the clock!

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