Sunday, April 6, 2014

SPF Oil For Better Skin Protection: Fight Free Radicals The New Way!

Tanning oils have been around for a long time. Most have smelled like a pleasant, sweet coconut for those endless summer days of sand + surf, when rubbing on some oil got you a quicker, deeper tan.

Unfortunately, the SPF in these tanning oils were always designed for the single digits, which meant you were merely basting yourself with an exotic cooking oil and  encouraging wrinkles.

But today, the beauty science has evolved in a major way.

SPF sunscreen oils are back in vogue! And this ain't your mama's tanning oil.

L'Oreal has a wonderful, new SPF oil called, Invisible Protect Dry Oil Spray SPF 50. It comes in a bright, orange spray bottle We found it online at Target for $9.99.

This dry oil SPF spray is NOT greasy. Instead, it goes on quickly + smoothly with a very light feel.

The magic is in the formula---It's infused with nourishing goodness--like an unique blend of vitamin E, argan oil, shea butter oil, grape seed oil and sunflower oil.

 L'Oreal's Invisible Protect Dry Oil Spray has a patent-pending polymer technology that  acts as an invisible shield for the skin for improved water resistance, protection and effectiveness.

Will you try the new, SPF sunscreen oils when you hit the beach?

Best to play safe in the sand + surf. And this one's got our number at SPF 50.

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