Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Uh Huh, Honey! Can A Spoonful Of Honey Really Melt Away The Pounds?

Honey. It sure is yummy. But what if we told you, that a spoonful of it, here and there throughout the course of the day could help you drop pounds. Would you believe us?

Let's put it this way....Enjoying some honey couldn't hurt, anyway.

People have been using honey for a lot of reasons since ancient timesGreeks back then, believed that honey could extend one's life. And in pre-ancient days, Egyptians use the sweet syrup topically to heal wounds.

Modern science also shows us that honey also possesses  antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
But can honey melt away fat?

Nutritionist Mike McInnes claims that by eating a spoonful of  honey before bed each night, you can drop up to three pounds a week.

That's pretty amazing!

"The Honey Diet", a new book authored by McInnes, also suggests throughout the day to substitute the natural sweetener for any other sugars consumed.
That means cooking with it, sweetening your coffee with it, and enjoying only treats made with it.

You have to give up potatoes on the Honey Diet, along with eliminating refined carbs, and boosting your intake of proteins + veggies + fruits.

Sounds pretty easy. The book is now available at amazon.

Hey...you've got nothing to lose but 3 lbs. a week if this nutritionist is right. Plus---it tastes great!

Uh-huh, honey...as Kim + Kanye would say....

1 comment:

  1. Hey- I'm going to try this. Great post. I love articles like these that bring out new information.


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