Friday, October 11, 2013

The Secret To Show-Off Miley Cyrus' Perfectly Flat Tummy much as we find singer Miley Cyrus to be an extreme publicity-seeking star, we have to admit----we are envious of that perfectly flat tummy. What a set of killer abs! ( great brows, too!)
We are thrilled to learn that the petite 'Wrecking Ball' singer has to suffer to maintain such a flat tummy.

Her beauty secret?

Lots of crunches! To be exact-----30 minutes of crunches a day,  her pilates teacher tells People magazine.

'You have to learn how to not just tighten up your tummy but actually pull your tummy in to your lower back as much as you can. Just doing 40 crunches a day isn't gonna do it for you,'  says Mari Winsor.
Check out Mari's pilates website).

So, yeah, hard work reaps great rewards. Plus....if you're just 20-years-old, your metabolism is working faster and that is a big help.

Now---if only Miley would stick that silly tongue back in her mouth, all would be right with the world.

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