Monday, September 30, 2013

Ladies---Watch Out!! September, October + November: Hair Fallout Doubles!

We first posted about autumnal hair fallout last November, after reading a fascinating article from Japan about hair loss during the months of September, October + November. And once again, we have been affected by this bizarre occurrence.

We are noticing MORE strands in our hairbrush. Tomorrow marks October 1st. So, we figure, we have another month of  NORMAL hair-shedding to deal with.

We find it frightening, to say the least. We don't care how NORMAL it appears to be. Finding MORE hair in one's hairbrush, is never a calming thing.

Here is the article once again, from the Japanese newspaper, 'Yomiuri Shimbun:'

...OSAKA--"Like trees shedding their leaves, autumn is the time of year when humans are said to lose the most amount of hair. Some experts attribute this to damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays during summer, while others say autumn is a time when much of the hair is replaced by new growth. Hair care specialists suggest gentle shampooing and getting enough sleep to maintain a healthy mane." We never knew about this.

The article, written by staff writer Michiko Nakai , goes on to explain that most heads have between 100,000 - 140,000 strands of hair, and "each strand goes through 3 phases--the anagen phase of growth, the catagen phase where the hair bulb at the base of each strand weakens, and the telogen phase when weakened hair falls off." The cycle then repeats every 5 or 6 years.

So, how much hair fallout is normal?
According to the article...."An average of 100 strands of hair fall out as part of this cycle per day, but according to some studies, this rate increases twofold from September to November."
We're not sure how many of you have noticed more hair in your hairbrush, but we thought we would bring this to your beauty attention, in case you start to experience the same.


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