Friday, April 13, 2012

Goody Heat Wave Creator For Easy Breezy Beach Hair

Talk about a hot rod!

If you're looking to create that Gisele Bundchen easy breezy beach hair, then you've got to arm yourself with this little styling gadget by Goody---the Heat Wave Creator ($29.99, at Target).

It's a curling rod with a most unique twist featuring a barrel with a wavy shape. You can achieve that sexy bed-head look in just a few minutes, without having to fight with your hair like you do, forcing strands to wrap around standard curling irons or spinning irons.

The Goody Heat Wave Creator makes it simple. Just take some strands and wrap them around the 'bumpy' barrel and clamp them in. The wavy-shaped rod ensures that some pieces will be more tightly wound and others more loosely held. Together, you create that trendy Mermaid beach hair tons of celebrities show off. Plus, this hairstyling tool has a 30-second heat-up and 10 heat settings to play around with.

The Target customer reviews gave the Goody hair gadget some very high marks---4.5 stars out of 5! And women say the Heat Wave Creator gives long-lasting waves. The only problem is getting used to the clamp and the method of wrapping the hair. Other than working out those little kinks, this is a MUST buy.

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