Thursday, March 22, 2012

American Idol Contestant's Drastic Hair Cut: Would You Be So Brave?

Erika Van Pelt, you are one brave chick!

To go from long blond/auburn streaked hair to a super cropped jet-black do, takes a lot of guts. And to debut the new hair cut on live TV in front of millions of American Idol viewers, well, that's evencrazier.

"I knew I wanted to do something drastic with my hair," Erika told People magazine after the show. "I get this sense of liberation when I get my hair cut. It’s a stress reliever for me, to be honest." And new A.I. image consultant, fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger, encouraged the contestant to change up her look.

Another plus for the fab singer: "It’s nice to feel my neck again."

Erika is not afraid of very short hair. "It’s actually been shorter than this before, so I wasn’t scared about that part," she said. "But I was sort of thinking what my fans would think and what would America think."

Talk about a healthy dose of self-confidence. We admire you, Erika Van Pelt.

We think that Erika looks pretty with either hair color and cut. The new jet-black do is quite edgy and sophisticated. It reminds us a lot of Kardashian mama Kris Jenner's cropped cut. Or on the music side, a bit like vintage Pat Benatar.

So, the question begs:

Would you be so brave to show off a totally different hair color and hair length to millions of people?

We already know our answer. We're such a baby. No way. We've been sitting here with our too short Rooney Mara bangs, and we're still freakin' out.


  1. OMG!
    That fugly haircut got the poor girl voted off the show.I really beleive it was the cut-madeErika look way too old.
    That Hillfigger should keep his big trap shut giving advise to the contestents.Why did they bring him on the show?!!!

  2. I agree with the other comment. The haircut did her in. She's a young, pretty girl and they made her look too old. Too bad because she had a very nice voice.


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