Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sweet Treat: Girl Scout Cookie Lip Smackers

You've heard us rave a lot about Bonne Belle Lip Smackers before. We LOVE the cult favorite--- Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker, not only for its yummy soda taste, but especially for the sheer red tint it leaves behind.

Today, we are checking out Lip Smackers' newest balms in town:

Girl Scout Cookie Lip Smackers in Thin Mints. Chocolate Peanut Butter. Trefoils. Peanut Butter. And Coconut Caramel Stripes.

How YUMMY do those sweet treats for your lips sound?

We are cuckoo for coconut, so that's the one we would grab.

Of course, the cookie lip smackers are inspired by the famous Girl Scout cookies we all know and crave.

"Girl Scout Cookie-flavored Lip Smackers was a natural fit for us. The flavors are deliciously iconic and the mission of Girl Scouts of the USA is something we have a real interest in supporting," says Leslie Gibbs, brand marketing director at Aspire Brands/Bonne Belle.

You can pick up the lip balms at Walmart stores and online here for $1.75 a tube, or an 8-pack party pack for $9.95.

Lip Smackers make great, little gifts. And these sweet, shiny balms have NO age limit. We carry around a few Dr. Pepper Lip Smackers at all times.

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