Saturday, September 17, 2011

Don't BYOB Your Botox: Beware Of DIY Botox Kits!

Botox cosmetic. It still remains the number 1 injectable in the country. More than 11 million injections, and counting!

And we can understand why.....A few stings of the needle around your forehead and your crow's feet, and POOF! Wrinkles disappear for about 4 months. The cost varies, but generally, each wrinkle site you want treated, will run you anywhere from $300-$600.

Celebrity super dermatologist Frederick Brandt, says it's great stuff:
“Botox cosmetic has revolutionized our field,” Dr. Brandt says. “Botox is easy to administer, safe and effective, and not only reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, but also has the effect of preventing the future formation of wrinkles and fine lines if used appropriately.”

And that's the key word, 'appropriately.'. If you're not a licensed doctor, then please DO NOT do your own Botox!

Unfortunately, we heard on the news today, about the rise in DIY Botox Kits. The government was shutting down websites caught in the illegal sale of such kits a few years ago, but apparently, the need for a cheaper way to get rid of wrinkles is attracting a lot of
people, once again. And maybe the weakened economy has something to do with the desperate and ludicrous idea of self-injecting the beauty posion.

Maybe we didn't dig deep enough, but we couldn't find any DIY Botox kits out there on Ebay and beyond. We know these kits exist, and for a few hundred dollars, the customer gets a pack containing needles, saline to mix with the Botox powder and a face map showing where on the face to inject the drug.

We would hope, that no one reading this article, would be foolish enough to buy Botox without a prescription, because you don't know if you're getting the real stuff. And most importantly, we would hope no one would be crazy enough to try and inject some Botox into their own face.

We spoke to a dermatologist friend a few months ago, and she had indicated to us, that she had tried Botox for the first time. "Did you inject yourself?" we asked.

"No way," she laughed. "I had another derm do it for me."

There you have it. There's a lesson there for all of us.

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