Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bothered By Weak Brittle Nails? Try Essie 'Grow Faster'

We need a new set of nails.

Seriously. We are so frustrated! Last week, our nails were looking pretty 'buff,' and growing longer, and looking healthier. And then-------

Four nails broke off. Three on the right hand and one on the left. And for us, our ring fingers are always the weakest links, so to speak.

We don't get it. We do NOT abuse our nails by over-painting
them. In fact, we usually just put on a clear coat of polish, and go on with our life. We maintain a good diet and have strong, shiny hair. But for some reason, our finger nails are NOT a beautiful thing.

Weak, brittle nails That is us!

We have tried a few nail hardeners that seem to work for us, and then eventually fizzle out, resulting in a few breakages. But maybe there is more hope on the horizon for us.

Essie is proud of the product they have developed called, Essie Grow Faster ($8, at Walgreens). This one features a base coat in a clinical strength formula with conditioning Argan oil. And best of all, Essie promises that Grow Faster is the "only one that gives you 27% longer nails in just 5 days."

Now that sounds like a beauty product that delivers! We will try this formula soon and keep our fingers crossed.

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