Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rub This Onto Your Scalp And Watch Your Hair Grow Faster

Coconut milk.

It's not just found in the pina colada you're sipping on a hot summer day or the yummy thai cuisine you're enjoying.

Coconut milk is much more than an exotic dairy drink you bought in a can all those years. Visit your grocery aisle these days, and you will see coconut milk available in cartons or bottles, and blended into ice creams and yogurts, and so forth.

But our beauty tip today is looking at coconut milk in a whole new way---as something healthy, hair can drink in.

We found this beauty nugget in the August issue of Glamour magazine, and it comes from a well-respected Indian ayurvedic skin care expert. No, we haven't tried it yet, but it sounds promising:

"Coconut milk helps the hair grow long and thick," says Pratima Raichur. "Rub it onto the scalp, leave it on for an hour or so, then wash it out.".

Who doesn't want long, thick, glossy, healthy locks that don't take forever to grow?! Plus, we bet your hair smells divine, following the rinse out.

Pratima does not say how often we should use the coconut milk hair treatment, but once or twice a week sounds good. And we would advise using the treatments for at least a month or two, to note any difference in the hair texture, and the way it's growing.

The way we see it......massaging a little coconut milk on the scalp cannot harm you. It's a safe, natural way to try and grow healthy hair fast. And trimming off the split ends every 6 weeks should also be part of your hair routine.

1 comment:

  1. I don't get this-why not drink coconut milk every week and maybe that would grow hair long and fast?Wouldn't that make more sense?
    Just sayin'.....


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