Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Keep Your (New)Chin Up, Bristol: You Look Amazing

Okay....if you haven't heard about or seen the new Bristol Palin, watch out! We're not sure you'd even recognize her right away.

Ever since the reality star and daughter to former Gov. Sarah Palin stepped out recently at a red carpet event, tongues began wagging, and haven't stopped since. There was talk about Bristol dropping a significant amount of weight, and getting a darker, new hair color with most likely, hair extensions. But it was much more than that.

It was her sculpted chin. Gone was the pretty, round-faced, full-cheeked gal, and here arrived a more glamorous, well-defined set of features on a mature young woman.

So, come to find WAS more than a makeup,hair color make-over. Bristol Palin admits, it was surgery. And experts are claiming it was plastic surgery:

"I had corrective jaw surgery," Palin told Us Weekly. "Yes, it improved the way I look, but this surgery was necessary for medical reasons ... so my jaw and my teeth could properly realign ... I don't obsess over my face."

Bristol is only 20-years-old. Should that make a difference? And exactly what does corrective jaw surgerymean? Did she really have a chin implant, a nose job, brow lift, or mini facelift, too?

Who's to say. Bristol Palin will be starring in her own forthcoming reality show alongside her Dancing with the Stars friend, Kyle Massey on the Bio channel. And 2-year-old son, Tripp will also share the TV spotlight.

The question begs-----Was Bristol Palin advised to drop lbs. and get some plastic surgery BEFORE getting her new reality show? Or did she, herself, feel the pressure that so many young women like Bristol feel, in measuring up to Hollywood standards?

We think Bristol Palin was pretty BEFORE the surgery. But we also think she looks amazing AFTER the surgery. And if her round face and chubby cheeks really bothered her before, then we can understand her desire for a self-esteem boost.


  1. Sorry-but as a mother of a daughter age 17, I really think it's sad to see so many ypoung women believing they aren't pretty enough---so the solution is to FIX this or FIX that. Ridiculous!There was nothing wrong with Bristol's face before---it was healthy and lovely. Sure---she looks more sculpted nut who needs that at age 20. If she were 40 or 50 and wanted to fix sagging, a real problem, then okay.Brsitol is only 20 for goodness sakes. Her mother is lame for allowing this unneccssary surgery.

  2. Her "desire for a self-esteem boost?"

    Are you kidding me!

    You don't get self-esteem through plastic surgery my dears.

    This is sad for young girls who look up to thse silly reality stars.

    Bristol did NOT NEED plastic surgery to boost her selfimage.

    What next? DoubleD implants to correct her misaligned breasts!


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