Monday, July 19, 2010

PETA Furious Over New Face Of Fur For BlackGlama

PETA. Fur. Oh, boy! We don't want to be anywhere near this one, when the fur hits the fan, so to speak.

Janet Jackson has become the new face for BlackGlama Furs. There she is, posing in luxurious black mink with her new, short-cropped do. Her sexy ad campaign photos will hit all the big targets this September. Places like the huge Times Square billboard. In major fashion magazines like Vogue. W. Harper's Bazaar.

And the animal rights folks like PETA, are furious with Janet Jackson, BlackGlama's new face of fur. She, on the other hand, has not addressed the PETA people, thus far, but she is talking about the glam company she's in.

The 44-year-old Jackson is so excited to join the long list of BlackGlama'a famous fur cover girl beauties: Sophia Loren. Catherine Denueve, Linda Evangelista. Liza Minnelli. Diana Ross. Cindy Crawford. Lena Horner.. And others, for 4 decades of BlackGlama ads.

"If someone would have told me later in life that I would be alongside such legendary entertainers, I would have never believed it," Janet Jackson

But PETA is not impressed with any list of famous folks who would slip into a fur coat and promote the beauty of wearing an animal's skin.

"You told me that you were always aggravated at photo shoots when stylists would try to throw fur on you and that you were even wary of wearing fake fur out of concern that it might actually be real or look real in photos and send the wrong message,"
PETA Senior Vice President Dan Matthews wrote to Janet Jackson in a letter obtained by Black Voices. "You were very straightforward and sensible about it. What happened?"

Meantime, PETA already has their own new anti-fur campaign ad featuring the ultimate sexy gal, Pam Anderson. Sure, it's very provocative, and apparently too much so, for Canada, where the new PETA ad has been banned.

By the way, Pam Anderson is a Vancouver, British Columbia native. And she and PETA find the whole ad banning matter to be that of sexism, rather than too sexy.

"In a city that is known for exotic dancing and for being progressive and edgy, how sad that a woman would be banned from using her own body in the political protest over the suffering of cows and chickens," Anderson said in a statement. "In some parts of the world women are forced to cover their whole bodies with burkas -- is that next? I didn't think Canada would be so puritanical."

Ouch! We're staying out of this one. We hope Janet Jackson knows how to duck, because we're certain the fur will be flying come September.

1 comment:

  1. Very disapointed in Miss Jackson.
    Not a fanof FUR.
    It's wrong to kill an animal for its pelt.and to do it so cruely.
    That';s my opinion.


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