Friday, June 25, 2010

Poor Kate Plus Eight Criticized For Botox Gone Bad

Kate Gosselin, the mom to 8 adorable children, just can't seem to buy a break.

Take a look at the photos provided by Us magazine. That's old Kate on the left, with her signature, much-hated hair-do. On the right, there's new Kate with pretty blonde hair extensions, much smoother skin, and oh yeah, some alleged Botox gone bad!

Shame on Us magazine for dishing on the reality television star, when so many, many actresses all submit to the stings of a Botox needle to arrest a few lines, crow's feet, and wrinkles.

Us magazine
brought in some big guns, or experts, to tattle-tale on the poor woman's alleged Botox results. Believe us, Kate Gosselin wouldn't be the first TV persona to get a make-over with Botox, and certainly won't be the last. There are quite a number of actresses who sometimes don't get the Botox injections perfectly mapped out across their foreheads. Hmmm. Does the name Nicole Kidman ring a Botox bell?! Or The Nightly News' Katie Couric?!

Big deal. Botox doesn't last forever. It irons out lines and wrinkles for about 3-4 months. And it gradually relaxes, so Kate Gosselin doesn't have to worry, and she can always return to a dermatologist to balance out the Dr. Spock raised eyebrows if she wants.

Here's what Us magazine caused such an uproar about:

"Kate Gosselin had oddly spiked eyebrows and a noticeably smoother face as she ran errands in Pennsylvania on Monday.The reason? After comparing before and after photos (left), plastic surgeons tell the reality mom, 35, had botox treatments gone wrong.

"She looked much better in the earlier photo: great hair, nice smile and a normal brow position," says Dr. Michael Olding, the chief of The George Washington University's division of plastic surgery. In the "after" photo, she "has the typical appearance of Dysport or Botox poorly placed in the space between the brows where frown lines occur," adds Olding. But because Gosselin didn't have any injectables put in her forehead, "the lateral part of her brow is elevated in an abnormally high position, which my patients refer to as McDonald's arches!"

Maybe so, but why are the tabloids cutting the woman down every chance they can?! We think Kate Gosselin was a good candidate for a little Botox treatment. She had deep 11 (eleven) marks between her eyebrows. And we think her skin looks smooth and clear now.

Botox cosmetic still remains the number 1 injectable in the country. And celebrity super derm Frederick Brandt, says it's great stuff:
“Botox cosmetic has revolutionized our field,” Dr. Brandt says. “Botox is easy to administer, safe and effective, and not only reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, but also has the effect of preventing the future formation of wrinkles and fine lines if used appropriately.”

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