Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Get Bikini Ready With Dr. Oz And His BEACH Diet Plan

Dr. Oz wants to get you bikini ready, ladies! And he has one simple word: B.E.A.C.H.

That's right.....The Dr. Oz BEACH Diet Plan. Does it work?

Yes. We tuned into to Dr. Oz a few months ago, when he featured 3 working moms from Detroit, who were going to follow his diet plan to knock off some major LBs. And did they ever! All three lost between 30 and 60 lbs. each, after 4 months. And these ladies look fabulous.

Why should you follow Dr. Mehmet Oz and his B.E.A.C.H. Diet Plan? After all, he is a cardiothoracic surgeon. Okay, that he is, but we believe he does know nutrition and how to keep the body fit and healthy. Plus, Dr. Oz has written 7 books. He's no fool. So, let's take a look at the B.E.A.C.H. diet:

B: Stands for 'breakfast.' Dr. Oz says you need to eat a healthy breakfast. "Eating soon after you wake up in the morning gives you the calories and energy you need for the day and kicks your metabolism into gear." He suggests scrambled eggs on whole wheat toast or a bowl of whole grain cereal, for example.

E: Eliminate the Simple Carbs. Noty an easy feat...that means giving up any breads, pastas, cookies, muffins, etc. that area all made with refined white flour and sugar. Say no to white potatoes and white rice. The 'E' also stands for Exercise. Take the stairs. Walk the dog. Bike. Dance. Move! "Every two pounds you lose trims an inch off your waistline," says Dr. Oz.

A: Antioxidants--add them to your diet. Good carbs like fresh fruits and vegetables. Low in calories, you can have two or three helpings.

C: Chocolate. Dark chocolate, that is. Yes, on Dr. Oz's B.E.A.C.H. Diet Plan, you can indulge ina few bites. A little dark chocolate can satisfy your cravings for sweets. Look for some with 70% cacoa.

H: Hydrate your body with water. Say no to sodas, beer, and sports drinks loaded with sugar and lots of calories. Especially in summertime, your body needs to be nourished and hydrated


  1. great post, got some good points here, learnt a lot

  2. I CANT give up white flour or pasta or rice. I LOVE bread, nah cannot do this diet. I dont see how anyone can give all that good stuff up

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