Monday, June 14, 2010

Brady Bunch Beauty Melts Away 50 Lbs. To Get Back Bikini Body

50 lbs!!
Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!!

Everyone's favorite Brady Bunch beauty, Maureen McCormick, is looking fab after melting away the pounds with sensible diet and exercise, and it took 10 months to get to 111 lbs. That's right folks, there is no easy way to drop the weight. It takes dedication and drive, and we're happy to see Maureen look so pretty, fit and healthy.

A size 2 at age 53. Incredible. So, how did the Brady Bunch cutie melt away 50 lbs?

Maureen McCormick told OK magazine that she hit her highest weight of 161 lbs. last summer, and that was it:

"Last summer, I truly looked like I had totally let myself go. It’s been a really long, slow, but very natural and healthy journey," she says.

"I spent too much time at night watching reality shows — eating chocolate and cakes and pizza and pasta and burgers and french fries."

Maureen threw out all the junk food and adopted a much healthier diet of vegetarian foods, like beans and rice. She does eat chicken if it is organic. And Maureen enjoys "the wheat-free, gluten-free snacks, mainly fruit and vegetables, and nuts."
And she has stopped drinking alcohol and it shows in the mirror. "I feel younger than I've felt in years."

Maureen is also moving, a lot. 6 days a week. "We box, we run, we swim. She's found this diverse toolbox of exercise. Now, it's a fun thing in her life," says her trainer Juliet Kaska. And she started the Brady Bunch beauty moving slowly. Walking. The treadmill. Some yoga and Pilates.

To learn more about Maureen McCormick's stunning weight loss, pick up a copy of OK magazine's June 14th issue


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