Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Can Supplements Get Rid Of Annoying Gray Hair Permanently?

Gray hair. Grey hair. On some women and men, it is very striking and sophisticated. Just look at the photo of model Carmen---very sexy. But to others, especially those who have started going gray in their 20's and 30's, it can be an annoying thing.

For us, we started seeing a few gray hairs hiding in between our many, long locks of dark brown hair when we were in college. Our girlfriends teased us, and that's when we began hitting the bottles of Clairol, and have been coloring our hair ever since. What frustrates us, and many women, is the stubborness of some of our gray hair. Hair color doesn't always stick to this type of hair for long.

We have heard of the pills to get rid of gray hair permanently. But do such vitamins and supplements really work?

Let's take a look. We toured the website of Reminex. This company claims, that for $29 a bottle, and three pills a day, your gray hair will start disappearing. Reminiex is so certain that their natural formula REMINEX GH can help you to restore gray hair and premature white hair to their original hair color that they offer a full 3-month (90 days) money back guarantee.

We applaud the guarantee. But we want to know exactly what's in this natural--no side effects pill. The company says, "it is a blend of thousands of years of oriental medicine theory combined with modern western medical breakthrough and technology..."

There are green tea extract, pumpkin seed, dong kuai, ginseng, Vitamins B2, B6, and B12, and other well known healthy ingredients in the Reminex supplements.

And Reminex makes this explanation:
"Preliminary studies indicate that Reminex GH is effective to restore gray hair or premature white hair with an 70% success rate in both men and women......
"The shorter the period of time that you have had gray hair and the less percentage of gray hair you have on your scalp, the faster you will notice a difference. You did not become gray in one or two months, therefore there is no miracle pill to restore your hair color back to the original color in 2 to 6 months. It takes time, just like everything else, but once the desired result is achieved, then you do not need to worry about gray hair any more."

We haven't tried it, but it sounds worth trying. If you consider that your hair color is determined by a pigment called melanin, and this pill is designed to help stimulate melancocytes to increase the body’s ability to produce melanin pigment, then intellectually, it makes sense.

Is there any other natural way to get rid of annoying gray hair permanently? Well, some folks believe that taking 1 Tbsp. of blackstrap molasses every day, can restore your 'real' hair color in time.

Meanwhile, it's back to the salon or at-home boxes of hair color for most women and men trying to deal with the gray hair challenge.


  1. Loss of selenium as you grow older promotes gray hair. Taking a selenium supplement will help the onset of graying, and some even say it has reversed the gray if taken early enough. I am approaching 50, have selenium in my multi-vitamin and have virtually no gray hair!

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