Think pink this spring. And do it in the most flattering way we know---through a simple swipe of blush. And Smashbox cosmetics puts the O in glow!
The new Clinique High Lengths Mascara comes in your choice of black or brown, and the mascara quality is said to be very good.
It's out right now at a Clinique makeup counter near you, or at beauty stores like Sephora.
No, we haven't tried this new fangled and weird-looking mascara wand brush yet. We do like that it's curved because we think that makes a difference, but we're not sure about the tiny rows of tines. Hopefully someone out there reading this, has given the Clinique product a go, and will leave us a review.
And now, we are writing again, because the cold, dry winter months can be cruel to those with rosacea. We've been looking at the well-respected Obagi skin care company, and their RosaClear System, a multi-product, all-in-one weapon that battles redness and gives you back a healthy, more balanced complexion.
The RosaClear System has been out for a year now, and seems to show measurable promise.
No one knows what truly causes rosacea. But it is a common skin disease that affects more than 14 million Americans today. More women than men have it, and it usually strikes those with fair skin and blue eyes, namely of Irish and Scottish descent. Sadly, most Americans don't know how to treat it.
What does rosacea resemble? There are four subtypes, but simply speaking, it can appear as a redness or persistent flushing of the face. Sometimes it includes the distinct redness, but with a bumpy texture. Other rosacea examples feature a thickening of the skin with an irregular epidermal texture. And lastly, ocular rosacea, which shows red, swollen, iritated eyelids.There's a lot of competition in Hollywood, especially in the pop star world, where Heidi so wants to be at the moment:
"I'm competing against the Britney Spearses of the world - and when she was in her prime, it was her sex appeal that sold. Obviously, looks matter, it's a superficial industry," Heidi explains.
So, how does Heidi Montag like the 10-round plastic surgery results? Well, we could only share the cover photo of People, for now, but Heidi is definitely pleased:
"I look way better and I'm way happier...my eyebrow lift just took my face to another level, made it a little bit more European-exotic," Heidi says. "And for the first time, I have sexy ears!"
By the way....Heidi's debut CD Superficial, drops tomorrow, and the lead single is called, Fanatic.