Monday, November 2, 2009

How To Tone Down Cellulite And Bring Back Smooth Taut Skin

Cellulite. It's big in the beauty business, because most women have it. At least 80% of us, and we believe the stats are actually higher than that.

So, who develops it? Thin, heavy, young and old, runway models, and the buffest bodies, too. On thighs, belly, and rear. Weight doesn’t determine who gets this lumpy fat and who does not.

Cellulite is a skin condition of swollen fat cells jammed together, that cannot be exercised off or dieted away into nothingness. Of course, a taut and toned body will definitely make a difference in how you look. So it is important to always have some kind of exercise regimen going.

The real skinny on cellulite, and the most important thought to take away from today's article:
There is absolutely NO way to get rid of cellulite permanently. That’s the bad news.
The good news is this: We CAN reduce the appearance of cellulite and STOP further cellulite advancement.

We know these facts, because we once asked Anushka, a cellulite expert, point-blank about getting rid of this lumpy fat, and that is what she told us. So the key words here being....reducing appearance and stopping further advancement.

So what's a smart gal to do?

Anushka who operates world-renown Cosmedical Centre, Spa, Salon & Cellulite Clinics in New York City, has been an authority on cellulite and its prevention for more than 3 decades. And her wonderful website AnushkaOnline features cellulite treatments, target exercises, nutritional recipes, the ABC's of cellulite, and more.

Circulation, diet, and topical treatments can all help tone down cellulite and bring back smooth, taut skin.

1. Keep moving.....She's a firm believer in taking a large natural bristle brush, and using the brush daily to give those areas special attention. “Dry brushing helps eliminate dead skin cells which make the skin look smoother. And it also improves lymph and blood circulation. I recommend a soft, natural bristle brush. Start at your feet and continue upwards in a circular motion towards the heart. Use once a day.”

2. Diet. We are what we eat.....Anushka is an expert in nutrition and her website offers sound dietary advice and healthy recipes from her own kitchen--- like Turkey Spinach Lasagna, Marinated Grilled Tuna Steak, and Anushka’s Signature Salad.

She also can’t stress enough the importance of water and how excellent it is for your body. And Anushka even has a secret drink that promotes beautiful skin.

"Raspberry tea," Anushka says. "It is wonderful for women, in general. In addition to acting as a diuretic which helps reduce bloating (leading to a slimmer silhouette), it also helps alleviate menstrual discomfort and cramps, reduces heavy bleeding, promotes healthy skin, bones, and teeth, and when combined with peppermint, can help with morning sickness. Raspberry tea is absolutely refreshing and delightful to the palate. You can drink it hot or over ice with a leaf of mint."

3. Topical treatments...Creams and serums feel soft and silky, but these cellulite topical treatments can not completely erase the dimples and the ripples. Still, many women find these lotions useful because the appearance of cellulite can be strongly diminished and the appearance of smoother skin can result. But patience is needed and frequent application. What’s nice is you can use these topical treatments at home and they aren’t too expensive.

Any time you see a topical cellulite treatment that includes caffeine, butcher’s broom, or even seaweed, these items are placed in such creams and serums to boost circulation.

Check out Anushka's website. It's the best one we've found on cellulite.

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