Friday, October 23, 2009

Enjoy That Glass Of White Wine But Think About Teeth And Breasts

Most of us enjoy a glass of white wine. And the low calories, too. Only about 90 per glass.

And no, we don't want to be 'tardy for the party,' ha! But we have a couple of serious issues to look at:

We just heard yesterday on the news that, 1. drinking white wine can also stain your teeth.

Apparently, white wine has a good amount of acid in it. This acid 'roughens up' the surface of the teeth. And that in turn, makes enamel more porous. So your pearly whites will absorb color from other foods. Red wine isn't the only wine that makes teeth vulnerable to staining.

In other words, drinking a glass of white wine, and then eating a slice of blueberry pie, is not a good move. Instead, we learned that drinking that glass of wine and eating some cheese with it, will counteract the staining effect. Whew!! That's good to know.

And before you go crazy with the glasses of wine, did you know, that even one glass of wine a day (red or white) can, 2. raise your risk of breast cancer?

According to a study that was done in the UK by Oxford University researchers, the results appear frightening:

A number of cancers was studied and the increased risk from drinking daily, varied with one small glass of wine a day, increases the breast cancer risk by 12 per cent up to the age of 75.

Sara Hiom, director of health information at Cancer Research UK, told the this: "We know that too much alcohol increases the risk of a number of cancers. This latest study shows that even relatively low levels of drinking increase a woman's risk. It is important that women are as well informed as possible so they can take responsible decisions over how much alcohol they drink

And Dr Sarah Cant, Policy Manager at Breakthrough Breast Cancer, explained it further:

“We already know that drinking alcohol can increase your risk of breast cancer. This study suggests that for women over 50, even drinking moderate amounts of any type of alcohol can have many health consequences, including a greater chance of developing breast cancer.

"Around 80% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed in women aged over 50, so limiting how much you drink is one step you can take to try to reduce your risk of developing the disease.

We don't mean to take away anyone's pleasure of enjoying a glass of wine, be it white or red. We just wanted to share the research.

1 comment:

  1. Hey--Fri nite + I wanna drink. And I luv a good charddonay.
    Really now, u put a damper on mmy social life..ROFL.


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