And you win, too. You get a beautiful smile after each time you brush your teeth, because the Zapi Toothbrush Sanitizer by VIOlight, promises you a very clean mouth. So clean, this cute sanitizer is able to destroy 99.9% of germs it comes into contact with.
How, you ask? With its proven germicidal ultraviolet technology. And in these days of H1N1 spreading quickly, and doctors all reminding everyone to wash their hands, and so forth, keeping your toothbrush clean, becomes a priority. It just makes sense. Clean toothbrush=healthy mouth.
The new Pink Zapi Toothbrush Sanitizer ($29.95) has dimensions of 5 x 3 x 10 inches. And the egg-shaped ZAPI stores and sanitizes a single toothbrush. It holds a manual toothbrush and electric heads, and is battery-operated. It's easy to use. Just place your toothbrush in the Zapi and let the revolutionary UV technology go to work. There is one button activation & auto shut-off in just 7 minutes.
You can buy a new Pink Zapi Toothbrush Sanitizer at VIOlight.com. And at stores like Target and Walgreens.
Don't just leave your toothbrush sitting there in the sink or in a cup. Zap the germs with a new Pink Zapi and help zap out breast cancer.
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