Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Remove Makeup With Eco-Friendly Bear Naked Wipes

If you wear enjoy wearing makeup, do you get the same satisfaction of removing it?

It can be a royal pain the in the you-know-what, to get rid of every last trace of eyeliner, shadow, blush, foundation, concealer, mascara, lip gloss, etc.

And if any of these makeup items are water-proof, well, you have to work twice as hard to remove them all. And that's just before you begin your cleansing routine.

As we all know, you should never sleep in makeup. Period.

One makeup artist suggested removing makeup with baby wipes, like Pampers or Huggies. Those wipes work well, but can sting your eyes and sensitive faces.

We've found a new wipe. And this one's eco-friendly. And has to do with polar bears. Say what?!

Model Josie Maran has developed her own beautiful makeup line. And one of her popular products are the Josie Maran Bear Naked Wipes ($12, at http://www.josiemarancosmetics.com/ or http://www.sephora.com/).

We really like these removal makeup wipes because the product is environmentally-friendly and Josie gives a portion of the proceeds to protect endangered animals like the polar bear.

Josie's website explains the Bear Naked Wipes:

Erase your face, not the polar bear race!
Wipe off makeup and dirt nature's way, with a blend of natural and healthy ingredients including aloe vera, cucumber, and vitamin E. Free of fragrance, parabens, and petrochemicals, these luxuriously soft wipes are kind to tender eyes and skin and are biodegradable. Leave your skin feeling nourished and refreshed!

To learn more or get involved, please visit http://www.polarbearsos.org/.

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