Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Neck Slimmer Looks Like Pogo Stick And Probably Won't Make You Look Younger

In the two photos above, please meet Anna. The top photo shows a firmer and tauter neck and jawline. The second, or before photo, shows a sagging, looser neck and jawline.

According to the website, http://www.skinnyneck.com/, Anna is 42-years-old, and the happy customer of the Neckline Slimmer beauty gadget ($19.99, plus $7.95 s&h).

The last photo shows you just what you get for your money---an odd-looking contraption with 3 resistance springs, and a CD to instuct you along the way with this small pogo stick for the neck.

We are certainly not here to judge, but seriously, folks, do you really believe that the Neckline Slimmer can actually "firm your chin and neck to look younger, and reduce facial sagging and re-define your profile, as the website's inventor claims?

The genius behind the new Neck Slimmer is a gentleman by the name of Paul Younane.

No, Paul Younane is not a plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or doctor of any kind. He is a former Rugby player and physiotherapist, a fitness trainer.

So how does his beauty gadget work?

"The Neckline Slimmer targets and tones the underlying muscles of your neck, chin and cheek area by applying gentle resistance. Just like every other muscle in your body – whether it be your abs, butt or thighs – your facial muscles need exercise. We all know the benefits of resistance exercises like crunches and curls. Think of the Neckline Slimmer in exactly the same way, only easier."

Any fine plastic surgeon would tell you, that the only way to firm up older, sagging, and loose skin in the face and neck, is through surgery. In other words, cutting. We found this little nugget here-- http://www.docshop.com/.

"Most face lifts can dramatically refresh and invigorate the lower two-thirds of the face. By removing excess fat and reshaping loose muscles and facial tissue, cosmetic surgeons reduce sagging in the cheeks and around the jaw. While this usually makes patients look younger and less tired than before surgery, a face lift will not eliminate all common signs of aging. For patients with wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, BOTOX® injections, chemical peels, or laser resurfacing may be able to help. Blepharoplasty, on the other hand, can resolve drooping eyelids, and brow lifts often minimize a sagging forehead area."

If you have had great success using the Neck Slimmer, please leave us your comments below.

To learn more about this beauty gadget, visit: http://www.necklineslimmer.com/.


  1. Key words in the description of the facelift are shaping LOOSE MUSCLES. That's what the neckline slimmer is supposed to do. I'm thinking of how bodybuilders look, with very muscular faces and jawlines from lifting weights, so maybe this has potential. I'd like to try it but will probably wait until I read some actual customer reviews online first.

  2. i don't believe that it will make your neck look younger or firm saggy skin but i do believe that due to what seems to be a regimen of continuous resistance exercise their will be slimming effects as would any other exercise routine on any part of your body.

  3. Ok, WHY would you post a negative opinion of this product if you haven't USED it? That's not helpful to any of us! Order it, use it, and THEN tell us what you think. oy.

  4. I have never ordered a product online where shipping costs were not disclosed in advance, thereby offering the consumer the opportunity to cancel the order. In this case, shipping costs exceeded $25.00.
    I called the next day, and was told the order had not been posted yet! I called two days later, and, sorry, it had already been "scheduled for shipping." When I asked "what is the window of opportunity for cancelling an order?" the company had no response.
    Furthermore, I did not order the second item listed on charges.
    This is a reprehensible, if not illegal, business practice. My only recourse now is to work through my bank.

  5. I was hoping to hear from people who have actually used the product, only to hear the usual advice: "according to doctors, it can only be fixed by surgery"....Is surgery truly the answer to every issue? Hair loss, stretch marks, weight loss, cellulite, sagging skin, corns? So basically all products on the market are a waste of money according to these "doctors"?

  6. Your review has no validity because you didn't actually try it. I am going to get it, use it, and let women know if it really works. I have a good feeling about this. Ladies, check out my product reviews at www.womenslifelink.com

  7. If you truly have a saggy muscle issue, then this will work to tighten the chin and neck muscles, thereby creating a more trim appearance. If, on the other hand, you have wiggly skin over already toned chin and neck muscles, it won't. I don't think this product should be criticized by those who have not tried it. Also, it is not necessary to believe everything that medical society professes.

  8. Ouch!! Several of you have really taken me to task here.

    I thought I was being fair in this article. But you are right, I have not tried the product.

    I tried to show the product from the side of the inventor, his website's photos, and comments from his website. In addition, I included comments from a plastic surgeon and how surgery seems to be the best option to correct facial sagging.

    Maybe my title was too harsh. I'm just not sure if the before & after photos are legit. That's all. And no way I can prove that.

  9. So has somebody actually tried it? I can't seem to find any helpful customer reviews. I guess everyone is afraid to buy it...

  10. I just ordered one of these...figured for $19.99 plus $7.95 S&H I wanted to try it. I turned down all the optional add-on's for firming creams, etc, until it got to the offer of an additional neck-slimmer for $14.99. I added that. Gave the credit card info...and they tacked on $25.80 for S&H. When I called customer service it was "politely" explained to me that the cream automatically came with the 2nd neck slimmer (not an option) and it was $7.95 P&H for each neck slimmer, PLUS $7.95 for the cream that automatically comes with the 2nd one. Need I add that I'm NOT happy at this point? My advice? If you want to try this place the order by phone where you can question the add on prices.

  11. I have not used it, but am a firm believer in facial and neck exercises. I do a strange face movement daily with 200 repetitions of facial exercises. After I'm done, I can feel the tightening effect. I am 52 years old and am still told I look like I'm in my 30's. The rigid movements I apply to my face muscles looks ridiculous, but my face is taught, no jowels, and my face has definition. Obviously, any neck wrinkles would have to be taken care of with surgery, but the tightening of face muscles can and does make you look more youthful. My point being that a gadget would be even more helpful in the process of keeping your facial muscles tight with less facial exercises, like I do. Anyone who has definition on their body, young or old, always looks better than someone with loose, flabby skin. I am definitely planning on purchasing one. I think I would rather use a gadget made for the face than the hundreds of facial exercises I do on my own. That's my take on it. I am feeling 50-something and Fabulous! It's not a bad thing when someone younger thinks you're their age. Most people think my 26-year old daughter is my friend and not my daughter. :)

  12. I had the same experience with mystery shipping amounts until the final receipt showing almost the same cost again as the item for S&H. I was so mad I rated them poorly on WOT (Web Of Trust) so that hopefully others would be forewarned. As to whether it works (or even gets to me) that remains to be seen.

  13. I have had the same problem with the ordering off line...I had clicked the no thanks to everything button and completed my order .... but when the order was confirmed it showed an unbelievable Total at the end of my order....it stated that i had ordered 2 neckline slimmers one for $19.99 and the other $14.99 with a P&H of $25.80...the problem is..that i could not go back to correct the problem cause I only wanted one neckline slimmer not two of them...and i know I had read everything and i had answered No Thanks! to everything except for the one neckline slimmer for $19.99 ... I tried calling the 800 number and they kept telling me that i was not in da system yet...and the day after was the samething...then on the third day i called and they said that their system was down needed an hour to come back up..called again and they said the samething to call back in another hour or two....then finally on da fourth day they told me that my order was already processed and was heading out for shipping I asked if i could cancel they said no but once i get the product to call them back for some return code and I will only be refunded the cost of the products not the shipping and that i also have to pay for the return of the product to them....at this time I do have the product but I am shipping it back...cuz I am not satisfied at all with the service, policies, or the product....it does not run by battery u have to move your head up and down so dont expect it to operate on its on ...after all the iformercial really makes the product look like it works on its on....(at least to me it does)..and the quality of the product just does not feel like it was worth $60.00 of my money...and just to think that i only wanted one neckline slimmer not two but got stuck with it cause customer service job is to make sure that they do not correct or cancel anything .... so if u purchase this product do it by (PHONE ONLY) so no mishaps occur cause their website does not have a shopping cart and once your order is complete it is COMPLETE no correcting and mistakes or backing out of the order...and I WARN all ppl that is curious about this product that you read the fine print and make sure the amount is right cause u will be unhappy like I am ...

  14. You can buy them now at Walgreens, and probably other places. No cream, no CD, no shipping charge, just $19.99. I just started using mine, but it feels like it's providing exercise, anyway. Too soon for noticeable results. It's a well-made little gadget.

  15. i also immediately felt scammed after placing my order. it clearly stated 19.99 plus 7.95 shipping. it did NOT tell me my total and then ask me if this amount was o.k.
    it just charged me $7.95 for the shipping and handling of the cream.
    i called and was told that this is how they are doing business, through tricking folks and telling them they get a free cream whether they want it or not and nail you for an additional $8.00.

    i will also go through my bank as i will not let them do me like that.

  16. For the skeptics on this blog I would point you to the Amazon.com page with comments about this product. If you ignore the shipping scam commentary (which is legitimate but doesn't affect performance) overwhelmingly the ratings are positive. Additionally, it can be purchased from Amazon for a low as $19.95 including shipping. Apparently Walgreen's have them as well.


  17. I bought my Neck Slimmer @ Bed, Bath and Beyond with a coupon (B,B&B are always sending coupons in the mail) The price after the coupon and tax was $17 and change.It came with a handy zip pouch,3 tension coils and instruction. There are 2 different exercises you can do, one is for the neck the other for the jawline and cheek area. I do 3 reps of 10 for each area 3 times a day. I noticed after the 3rd day I was no longer having problems with teeth clenching which I usually have regularly not only at night but also throughout the day. This beneficial effect is immeasurable to me as the clenching caused headaches, stiff neck and stiffness and pain in my face. I can feel the muscles working so I have complete faith that it will perform as advertised though I'm sure that to what degree will difer amongst each person. The 1st few days you will notice some bruise like pain under your chin, this will go away after some time. If you still find it bothersome just put a cottonball or 2 between your chin and the Slimmer. I have read many comments on this product and many of those have asked and requested that the company will come out with additional coils which are even tighter and more challenging and now that I've tried it I see what they mean so PY if you are reading this please consider marketing additional tighter coils, I'll be the 1st in line at the shop :) I hope my comments were helpful. Never buy products like these online and if possible buy it at a service base store (I.E. army,navy etc...) I recently bought a bottle of Donna Karan Cashmere Mist that would have cost me almost $60 ON SALE. Luckily I know a few vets and was able to buy it for just over $30. Oh dear, was that awful of me?

  18. DON'T BUY FROM THE MANUFACTURER!I'm going to order this product on ebay where it costs about $13, shipping included, but will consider checking Walgreens first. Like many on this blog, I previously ordered online from the manufacturer and fell victim to the same "surprise" $25 S&H scam with customer service claiming that they couldn't refund my money because the order hadn't gone through yet. After a ridiculous amount of time and pestering, I got the refund.

    In spite of that, I disagree with this author and think it makes sense. The photos LOOK authentic to me (a graphic artist's), even knowing the models' trick to get a similar--not as good--effect is to press your tongue to the roof of your mouth for a more youthful looking profile. Good luck if you get the neck slimmer. If I find this post again, I will report my results.

  19. I don't know if it works or not, but I am an expert in Photoshop,
    and could easily slim the neck, as those pictures indicate. As with all body, face and teeth products, Photoshop can achieve it all!
    So photographs cannot be taken as truth. I'd like to see before and after on video not photos.

  20. Don't pay for shipping! Buy it at Bed Bath and Beyond for only $19.99 I've had it a little over a week now and can tell my neck muscles are getting tighter.

  21. Wow. So far only one comment from someone who actually used this thing? *sigh*. I just bought it today in CVS so I have nothing yet. Except that there are three springs with three levels of resistance. The first spring feels like it has no tension but, since I have probs with my neck, I'll give it a week's time using the low tension spring to be on the safe side since they suggest you do each day: 3 reps of 10 for your chin and 3 reps of 10 for you neck. (60 in all). I'll bookmark this page and try to remember to post back with a review when I have one. Oh yeah, I did notice that occasionally the thing does not have a smooth up and down action. Sometimes it gets slightly stuck and I find I have to use my neck to force it down again. Most likely a defect which might prompt me to return it.

  22. Sorry folks. I returned it so I won't be posting back with a review.
    All the best,

  23. I have used this product over a period of two months and I am sad to say it DID NOT work. I am not overweight though I do have a weak jaw line. Don't buy this it's a waste of time.

  24. I have been using the Neck Slimmer which I purchased from Walgreens for 19.99, now for over a month, 5 wks, and will continue to use for the full 8 wks. I must be honest, I have asked my Mom, husband, and taken some photos of myself thru this process. I have been using my Neck slimmer Religiously, Twice a day, every day, sometimes doing more reps. There have been No Noticeable results or improvements, thus far. I will post after 8 wks.

  25. I too bought my Neck Slimmer at Bed Bath and Beyond. It was $19.99 and I had a $5 coupon which brought it down to $14.99. I have been using it for about two weeks and thought I may see a slight difference. I will continue to use and see what happens in a couple of months.

  26. I've been losing weight and my neck began to look saggy and I was terrified...so I google for a possible solution and I found the neck slimmer on Youtube. I got it from Ebay for $9.99 (shipping included) I been using it for 9 days at morning and night 90 rep. in total each at medium level...I can see the difference, I can't believe this unexpensive device is giving me this much!

  27. People come on it can't work unless you eat healthy and if you use a facial steamer as I do.OK no I didn't get it yet however I intend to but for now I still use my onion chopper that has the same spring load as the weakest one on neckline slimmer only I will need stronger springs that the product has to offer so when I buy it it will define my facial muscles even more so.
    For now I notice the difference in my sagged skin in firming up just using the onion chopper.
    When I weighed 233 17 yrs ago I was very over weight but then I got a free weight watchers book. I had went from size 130 lbs until in 1993 I got pregnant and had my children as I weighed then 208 and I found Richard Simmons food mover and followed them carefully later when I was in an 18.With in two years I went down from size 26-24 for 2 years maintained and exercised on a stationary bike then a tredd mill as I was then 233 lbs then for 2 yrs I went from a size 24 -22 and still exercised yet it took alot of effort to get down from still size 22-20 then finally to size 18 I weighed 200 and I had worked extremely harder to maintain in an 18 from 2004-2006 -2007 a 16 then a 14 to a 12 soon to size 10 at 130 lbs right now I am 140 lbs That's when my skin with exercise began to sag I grabbed my onion chopper in desperation while watching the commercial on neckline slimmer got me interested however we pay all our billd first so it would have to wait so leaning on the onion chopper gave me my inspiration to first try it and see then if it worked I'd get the neckline slimmer. And get tthis people It's working just need to get the product but i can get it through Dr Leonard's book called American's Leading Discount health care book it's less expensive & you get every thing except the CD JUST read the easy instruction manual.
    Well I hope this helps Just call 1-800-785-0880 They have alot of good stuff
    P.S. I am Alternative Organic and have gone green Steam your house get shark steamer it works on floors as we animals & children.
    That is why i am leaving this comment for all Don't trust the Medical Society all it is just a money making big businesses cutting you up with the medical surgery procedures that the Big Brother Pharmecuutical Companies try & push their worthless drugs on doctors paid by them to keep their patients coming back for more business with no intent in healing as Alternatives are your better choice "They treat people as a whole person with out the extra additive expenses tacked on of radiologists and other unnecessary tests. Just pay around #70. and for
    natural no side effects herbal medicinal medicine.And they care!
    Alternative Health Knowledge

  28. Hello people you nee to loose weight eat healthy and exercise only I didn't think my face would sag with skin either as i a 54 yet I used my onion chopper and it does work that's why I'm ordering the product because I'm going to need stronger resistant springs. I was once a size 10 & 130 lbs got married pregnant then I gained weight to 208 lbs to 233 I was in these sizes for a very long time 26,24,22,20,18 even in a 18 for the longest time then 16,-14-now 12 soon 10 Get it from Dr Leonard 1-800-785-0880

  29. Hi
    As I am Organic because if the radiation that is being used on the food have pets so I am also green and Alternative I am going to get neckline slimmer as my proof is my onion chopper I used and found out by mistake so eat healthy and juice extract and exercise and stay away from doctors and the Pharmeceutical companies & hospitals if you can which is big Business for all of them even doctors who ae payed by Big Brother Pharma'c and you will be fine oh and stay close to the true God which people know him as Yahweh or Jehovah most comonly used

  30. I bought the neck slimmer off Amazon for $9 plus shipping. I have been using it sometimes twice a day, sometimes once a day, for two weeks. I do feel tightening of my muscles in the neck and under my chin in very localized areas-- not the entire area. I cannot see a visual change yet but I took before pics and will take pics again after 30 days. I will come back and let you know how it goes.

  31. I'm 42 and have been using mine now for about 8-10 weeks and I'm sure I can notice a difference. Unfortunately I didnt take 'before' pics but I might take one now and another in a few weeks. I've also been using a Loreal firming cream which I think may be helping too..

  32. I thing you are being paid by Surgeons who want of course, make money with the nives (very expensive)and make me thing taht they are scare about loosing money with something so cheap-. Let me tell you IT WORKS, I will send you my before and after photos.

  33. I am the daughter of the inventor, Mr Paul Younane. The product works, the photos are completely legit, I watched them being taken.

  34. To the author of this topic: Shame on you. Just a shameful, irresponsible, selfish action on your part to write any kind of "review" on a product you have never even tried. Then, you post some weird, barely related, comment from a surgeon. And, gasp! shocker! a surgeon says that only surgery will help.
    What a ridiculously slanted editorial.
    And, everyone else who didn't try it and just *had* to comment about if the product anyway- you should know that all the normal people roll their eyes and barely skim your posts. You have zero business here-- only YOU think you are important enough to comment on products you have never tried.
    I bought it. I use it. I'm getting positive results after 3 weeks. I started on the low intensity for just a few days. Am still on the middle spring. I do 20 reps 3-6 times a day. I'm overweight and 40.
    ~~Rachel in Colorado

  35. I agree, that it is pointless to review something that you have never actually tried. How nasty. Further, I would like to say that I know the inventor, Paul Younane, and you couldn't meet a nicer man or someone more full of integrity. I know that he would not be selling something that he did not think worked or which he didn't believe in 100%. He is not that sort of person! He certainly knows what he is doing - is an amazing physio and has a deep knowledge of how our muscles work. He treated me after a botched hospital job on my leg - with excellent and speedy results. So, before you feel the need to slate another inventor online, do at least try the product and perhaps be less personal!

  36. Take a closer look at before and after photos. Many "before" photos show the model pulling her chin back into her neck, thereby creating a saggy chinline; Now examine the relevant "after" photos - they appear to show the model pushing her chin out away from the neck and I wonder if that alone is sufficient to make what seems to be a wonderful difference. Try it in front of the mirror. Having said all that, the trainer could logically make a difference.


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