Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dr. Mao's Beauty Health Tips For Women Over 35

A friend of ours emailed us, to talk about a new book by Dr. Mao.

You might say, now who is Dr. Mao? Dr. Maoshing Ni, to be exact.

Dr. Mao, known to viewers of HBO's Sex and the City as the doctor Charlotte consults on fertility, Ni (Secrets of Longevity) is a 38th-generation doctor of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) who practices acupuncture in Southern California.

The new book, Second Spring by Dr. Mao, focuses on women over 35, and teaches them how to rejuvenate and recapture their youth with healthy, natural approaches

"Women don't need to be victims of their midlife changes, " Dr. Mao says. "Women can actually take control, take charge of their health and begin to rejuvenate and regenerate themselves."

The book is available at bookstores. And at in the kindle book edition for only $9.99, including wireless delivery.

Here are some of Dr. Mao's beauty and health tips:

1. "Fuji pears -- or Asian pears -- were used by Chinese courtesans to get rid of dark circles under the eyes," says Dr. Mao. Fuji pears are abundant in vitamin C and copper, which can help protect the oh-so-delicate skin around the eye from free radical damage.

2. Use plain yogurt as a gentle facial peel for nice, smooth skin. Apply a thin layer to the face and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. "It's got lactic acid, which is a weak acid that will help peel and renew the skin," says Dr. Mao. "People can do it every other day. It's perfectly safe, and it does not cause the same kind of redness from a chemical peel.".

3. Do-it-yourself Facial massages, morning and night. Dr. Mao's suggestions:

First raise the eyebrows as high as you can and then relax them. Then inflate your cheeks. Finally, open your mouth as wide as you can and stick your tongue out.
To massage the face, stroke the whole face with a circular motion until it's warm. Delicately pinch along your eyebrow line to help stimulate the muscles that keep the eyelids from falling. Finally, gently pat the cheeks with your fingers

4. Lessen Age Spots with sardines or anchovies. Dr. Mao says these little fish have good value, as long as they are packed in water.

"Dimethyl-aminoethanol (DMAE) found in small fish promotes energy, focus, concentration and has been found to reverse age spots."

5. Get rid of Peri-Menopausal and Menopausal symptoms with this supplement, an herb known as chasteberry.

"500 to 1,000 mg of chasteberry, which can also relieve breast tenderness and prevent irregular menstruation. Chasteberry can actually stimulate your pituitary gland to get your body to produce a little more estrogen. It doesn't contain any estrogen, but it helps to stimulate hormonal function in the body," says Dr. Mao.

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