Thursday, June 18, 2009

Diminish Spider And Varicose Veins With One Daily Pill?

The pill is called Venacura. You take one pill daily. The bottle costs $49.99 for a month's supply. The result? Hopefully, greatly diminished or elimination of spider veins and/or varicose veins.

We're not sure we believe all the hype, but Venacura has been big throughout Europe for years. Apparently an active ingredient known as Diosmin 95 is the magic bullet here, in giving you back strong, vein-free legs. And Venacura is bragging that their supplement is the only one available here in the U.S. with Diosmin 95.

According to the Venacura website, Diosmin 95 is clinically proven to work:

The strength of your veins are controlled by several nerve endings. These nerve endings play major roles in the contractile and relaxing response of the vein by releasing chemicals called neuromediators. It is important that your neuromediators do not breakdown and that a healthy amount is maintained in your veins. This keeps the vein from becoming too relaxed, which prevents varicose and Spider Veins.

Diosmin 95®, the key ingredient in Venacura has been clinically proven to keep the neuramediators in your veins more active for a longer period of time. Keeping the neuramediators more active will prevent and reverse spider veins. The addition of Diosmin95® is healthy for people with both normal veins and those with varicose or Spider Veins.

More women than men get varicose veins. Often times, the condition develops following pregnancy, the use of birth control pills, excess weight gain, or even genetics, where weak veins are passed down through the generations.

We took a look at the testimonials at the Venacura website. Most customers raved about this one a day pill. And many also agreed that results take a while to see. About a month or more to notice spider veins diminishing in color.

It might not be the perfect solution to the stubborn problem of spider veins and varicose veins. But if this little supplement can lighten these pesky red and purple lines, then it's worth the price, especially now that wearing shorts and bathing suits are just around the corner.

To learn more, visit

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