Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Inhalable Chocolate New Way To Delicious No Calorie Fix

Has it really come down to this?!

We all love chocolate, but now we can't enjoy it the old-fashioned way. There's a new method of chocolate madness. It's called Le Whif. And this is so bizarre, it will knock your socks off.

Take a look at the picture below. No, ladies, that is not a tampon, ha ha. That is the new way to enjoy a piece of delicious and sinful chocolate. With no calories! That's right.......calorie-free. Zero. Nada.

Scientists have gone way beyond the boundaries, folks. Now you can actually taste chocolate without chewing. You inhale it! Breathe it in, baby! This ain't your mama's chocolate. And believe it or not, you feel satisfied with an inhalation using this chocolate gadget.

Hard to believe, but you can thank a Harvard professor for this sweet tooth apparatus. David Edwards calls it 'whiffing.' Okay, we like the concept.

"Over the centuries we've been eating smaller and smaller quantities at shorter and shorter intervals," Professor Edwards says.

"It seemed to us that eating was tending toward breathing, so, with a mix of culinary art and aerosol science, we've helped move eating habits to their logical conclusion."

And yes, the beautiful taste of real chocolate is in there. It's actually a chocolate powder placed in a small, plastic cylinder which users breathe from. It's safe and easy to use.

"It fills your mouth with almost pure chocolate - it tastes really good," says a member of Professor Edward's collaborators.

"It's zero calorie, so could also be used as a diet tool," one says.

"But chocolate is only the beginning - we're going to be unveiling more different types of food in the future."

The cost?

The dispensers can be bought separately (at $2.40) or in a box of 24 (at $53). But we could not locate an exact place just yet. Flavors come in raspberry, mango, mint, and plain chocolate.

Yum. But if I had my choice, I'd really love a big piece of chocolate to chew, even with the sinful calories.

What do you think?


  1. Im assuming u place this device in your mouth, right? Not up the nose, lol!

  2. This is completely bizarre and weird at the same time. I wonder where science and scientific research is heading to. I would still love to have those sinfully delicious chocolates any day. :o


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