Friday, April 3, 2009

Shaun Robinson's New Book Lifting People's Self-Esteem

Some folks don't have much of it. Others have too much of it. And a few have the perfect balance of it.

We're talking about self-esteem.

And today's beauty tip is all about 'it.'

Entertainment reporter Shaun Robinson of Access Hollywood, has written a super book for women of all ages:

Exactly As I Am.

The book is fresh off the presses. And we love the title.

It's an intelligent book about how women get caught in the trap at a very young age. The image society has presented to women on how they should look and how they should be.

Shaun Robinson explains this at
“Girls today are so influenced by what they see on television and in magazines, film and media across the board and I began to realize how those images affect girls and how they feel about themselves,” Shaun explained. “That’s really nothing new, but I think the topic has taken on more of an urgency because there’s becoming more of an emphasis on looks. With all these messages of female empowerment, girls are still feeling incredibly, incredibly inadequate.”

In her book, Exactly As I Am, Shaun talks with a number of famous women about the topic of self-esteem. Women like Alicia Keys. Kelly Clarkson. Eva Mendes. Oprah, and other accomplished ladies.

“Whenever I said I was doing a book on girls and self esteem, I can’t tell you how many people said, ‘Oh, we need that now,” Shaun said. “There are so many people that have daughters or know of somebody in their family who is struggling with self-esteem issues. Building self-esteem is a lifelong process. I think women of all ages will be able to get some information from this book and take a piece of it with them. Sometimes I come in and I look in the mirror and I’m like, ‘Oh god, I don’t know how I’m gonna go on TV today.’ But it’s a lifelong process, you get to the point where you are comfortable with who you are, you are comfortable with yourself and you’re able to deal with these outside influences and make sure you can look in the mirror and say, ‘If I like the type of person that I am inside, I’ll like the type of person I am outside."

We like Shaun Robinson's bold approach to a subject that seems so hard to tackle. Self-esteem issues are something we all deal with in life, and it's nice to learn how other women, even famous ones, are dealing with their own insecurities.

Exactly As I Am is available at Barnes & Noble ($18). For more information, visit:

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