Friday, March 27, 2009

Cate Blanchett Keeping Skin Luminous With SK-II

Cate Blanchett, Academy Award-winning actress, is said to have beautiful and luminous skin. And we believe what folks are saying.

Just look at the photo, taken a few months ago. You can always get a pretty good idea of how well someone is aging, by looking closely at them out in the sunlight. The sun has a blunt way of showing all our nooks and crannies, or fine lines and wrinkles.

Cate Blanchett turns 40 this May, and we have to admit, the woman looks darn good, even in the harsh rays of the sun.

What is Cate's beauty secret?

SK-II Skin care.

With Pitera. It is the signature ingredient in all SK-II products, and is 'the secret key' to beautiful skin.

Pitera, what you ask?

It's a very interesting story. According to their website, Pitera, was discovered purely by chance.

About thirty years ago, a scientist noticed that the hands of older workers at a Japanese saké brewery looked beautiful and young.

The workers were handling the fermenting sake.

For five years, scientists did research on over 300 types of yeast, to refine the precise conditions for fermentation. This all resulted in Pitera.

Derived from a unique yeast's fermentation, Pitera is a blend of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and organic acids that work together to allow the skin's natural surface rejuvenation process to function at its prime, enhancing the renewal of the skin's outer layer. Continued usage of Pitera leads to clearer looking, smoother skin.

Cate Blanchett has supposedly been using SK-II Skin care products for 7 years now, and swears by their effectiveness. In fact, Cate is now the global spokesperson for the SK-II line.

'Throughout my career, I have only accepted roles that I am passionate about, and my partnership with SK-II is no different. I truly believe I already played this role as an ambassador long before SK-II caught up with me,' Cate Blanchett said.

You can see her face in all the current advertisements for SK-II. The skin care treatments can be found at Bloomingdale's and Saks Fifth Avenue stores.

For more information, visit


  1. Yes, she truly is a beauty. Obviously something is working well for her, including her good genes! I've always admired her as a woman and an actress. Sure hope the product line she is using is as friendly to the environment and her health, as it is to her skin. Cheers, Jill.

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