Saturday, January 24, 2009

How To Relieve And Relax The Redness In Your Face

Ruddy complexion?

Don't feel bad. It's a problem that can attack your skin at different stages of your life. Having a red face, however, is not what you should be aiming for. Some people think that a red, flushed face is healthy. No, it is not.

A ruddy complexion means your face is inflamed. And the redness can come from a few sources, namely sun damage. Or from being sensitive to products. Or caused by rosacea, an acne-like skin condition. Blood vessels react by dilating, and that in turn, brings on the redness and/or blotchy look.

We have a few beauty treatments for you that aim to relieve and relax the redness in your face.

You want to remember, that you are trying to neutralize the redness. You can do that with products that contain anti-inflammatory properties like licorice extract and chamomille. And you can also cover your ruddiness during the day with green-based correcting serums or creams. Yes, the green balances out the redness.

Here are 3 beauty treatments we like for relaxing the redness:

1. Eucerin Redness Relief Soothing Cleanser ($8.99, at drugstores). Oil-free and very calming. This is a well-liked and gentle cleanser for ruddy complexions. Eucerin features a gel-based formula that effectively cleans skin and calms the redness down. Doesn't aggravate sensitive skin and leaves face soft and soothed.

2. Darphin Intral Redness Relief Soothing Serum ($110, Pricey, indeed, but many women say it's worth the price. A strong but gentle concentrate of plant extracts like peony and chamomille. Simply massage in after cleansing to face and neck, and watch irritated skin smoothe and balance out the ruddiness.

3. Aveeno Ultra-Calming Night Cream ($13.99, at drustores). Try this popular brand to wipe away redness at night while sleeping. The Aveeno name has long stood for effective beauty treatments. Light and fast-absorbing with natural soothers like chamomille. Smoothes out skin texture and minimizes ruddiness. Keeps acne away, too. A nourishing and calming product at a reasonable price.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog!


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