Saturday, January 17, 2009

Can Honest-Tea Quench Obama's Thirst

We are not choosing sides. We are merely making an observation. And since inauguration day is fast approaching next Tuesday, January 20th, we thought it would be fun, to dig a little deeper into lifestyle habits.

Our new President-elect, Barack Obama, is allegedly still hooked on cigarettes, and something else that is actually good and nutritious:

Bottled Organic Tea. Namely, Honest Tea. And luckily, the popular, bottled organic tea company is based in nearby Bethesda, Maryland.

The organic tea, in his favorite blend, called Black Forest Berry, hasn't always been the easiest flavor to hunt down for the about-to-be-sworn-in-President of the United States.

According to an item in the Washinton Post, once Obama had hit the campaign trail full time, "getting Honest Tea into his hands became more difficult." The matter really escalated, when after the South Carolina primary, an Obama aide, had just driven two hours to procure the goods for her boss. And she phoned the CEO of Honest Tea to try and find an easier way to get their hands on Black Forect Berry for Barack Obama.

Oh, my, Mr. President-elect!!

So, what's really in a bottle of organic Honest Tea?! And is this is a beauty tip?

Yes. Tea is truly wonderful for your skin and health. Fans of the beverage, like actress Sharon Stone, drink it all the time. Ms. Stone, by the way, prefers her own brand:

"I am a tea fanatic. I like Sunrider Calli tea, an herbal cleansing tea."

Getting back to the President-to-be, here's the low-down on Black Forest Berry.

An Herbal Fruit Infusion.
A fruit infusion made with organic cane sugar, organic hibiscus, organic blackberry leaves, organic berry flavor, organic blueberries, and organic raspberries.
Certified organic by the USDA.

There are 60 Calories in a bottle of Black Forest Berry (2 servings per bottle). That's pretty low in Calories.

According to their, there are health benefits:

"The curative properties of brewed tea have been known for thousands of years. Because Honest Tea is brewed from genuine tea leaves it imparts many health benefits not found in other bottled teas.

Tea serves as a digestive aid and has powerful antioxidants. The antioxidants in green tea are believed to be at least 100 times more effective than Vitamin C and twenty-five times better than Vitamin E at protecting cells and DNA from damage believed to be linked to cancer, heart disease and other potentially life-threatening illnesses.

Brewed tea is also believed to fight off dental plaque, inactivate the influenza virus, reduce blood glucose levels, lower cholesterol, and act as an antibacterial agent."

So there you have it. Honest-ty. Something we all strive for, especially in our commander-in-chief.

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