Sunday, November 23, 2008

How Jessica Alba Dropped Baby Weight So Quickly

There she stands.....actress Jessica Alba, just a few days ago at a red carpet charity event.

Jessica gave birth to a baby girl, Honor Marie, on June 7th. Within 2 months, she had shed 25 lbs. Jessica had gone from a pregnancy size 12 to an 8, and now down to a size 4, so we hear.

How the heck did she melt that baby fat away so very quickly???

Hmmm. That's what actress Tori Spelling wants to know, since she and Jessica had their babies just 2 days apart. It's been difficult for 35-year-old Tori to drop the baby bulge, that's what she confided to InTouch magazine:

"I'd see photos of her two months after and go, 'Look at her!'"

What is Jessica Alba's weight loss secret?!

Actually, who is Jessica's secret?

Her name is Ramona Braganza, fitness trainer-to-the-stars. And she has helped Hollywood A-listers drop their baby weight fast and with a sensible diet and fitness regimen. Halley Berry also followed Ramona's smart 321 Baby Bulge Be Gone plan.

We checked out Ramona's website at:

The 3-2-1 of Daily Nutrition: three meals, two snacks, 1 liter of water (minimum)
Eat only half the portion of food on your plate if eating out
Combine protein and fiber in a snack and you will feel full longer
Drink minimum of 1 liter of water a day, but preferably 2
Don't skip breakfast!
Eat clean; learn to love foods without sauces and butter; enjoy steamed veggies, crunchy salads with little or no dressing- just lemon juice or balsamic vinegar
Eat meats grilled, baked, steamed, or poached
Eat brown instead of white rice or pasta
Enjoy legumes, beans, and nuts
Fruits for dessert!
Occasionally, when your body really craves it, have whatever you want for a meal (this should be done in moderation). By living life this way, there is no need to feel guilty about eating what you want if for the most part you eat clean and healthy.

Working out also plays a key role in dropping the post pregnancy weight. Jessica Alba worked very hard at exercising the pounds away. And Ramona shows you how it can be done with several compound exercises. Those are muti-joint movements that use several muscles at once. You burn more calories at a quicker rate.

Take a look at Ramona Braganza's website. You will see that re-gaining your figure after having a baby, can be done. Her plan is smart and healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica Alba-----
    You look fugly with those huge bangs. WTF????? OMG---Girlfriend u may have lost the baby weight but that hair ain't doin' u any justice.


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