Check out their website at http://www.stives.com/.
What's also wonderful about this product, you can use it on your face, neck and entire body. Alpha Hydrox has a huge following. People seem to love it, and swear that their wrinkling is kept to a minimum.
Hey, if Jan Marini says this hand cream is the best, well, then we believe her.
We saw our friend Nina a couple of weeks ago. Not only did her hair look great, but she smelled nice, too. "What cologne are you wearing," we asked her.
Nina laughed. "It must be the Elnett hairspray I just bought. I love it. And it's now available at Target."
We love the smell of Elnett hairspray. And yet, some women have been complaining about the odor. That it's 'old lady,' or 'too strong.' And others are begging the good folks at L'Oreal, to develop an unscented Elnett.
What's so amazing about Elnett???
It's always been big in Europe, and many British women adore it. Garren, the famous New York City hairstylist claims the hairspray offers "the finest mist." And that Elnett isn't sticky or dull. It gives hair memory and great hold, and you can brush through it, and it always bounces back with volume.
Garren used to hoard the few small cans of Elnett he would get from his European pals, and he would use them on photo shoots.
The only minor thing that has arrived along with this so called phenomenal hairspray to the American market, is a slight altering of the original Elnett formula. See, our U.S. Elnett has a more eco-friendly hydrofluorocarbon propellant. European Elnett is allowed to have higher levels of VOCs or volatile organic compounds.
Too scientific for our minds. All we know, is that L'Oreal's Elnett has finally reached our shores so women everywhere can have big, glossy, movable hair. And we can now find it in department stores like Target.
Why wear any jewelry? Simply, because it's pretty. It can make an outfit. And jewelry illuminates your face. A nice pair of pearls can make your skin glow.
But if your jewelry doesn't shine like it used to, try these easy, on a budget recipes to bring back their brilliance. Most households already have these products in their cupboards. And the Jeweler's Association recommends these steps.
Professional jewelers use sonic cleaners to remove dirt and grease from fine jewelry. Sonic cleaners feature vibrations, in combination with water and a jewelry cleanser to nicely battle grime. But not all types of gems and baubles are appropriate for this machine.
Remember this: Jewelry and Chlorine Bleach Spell Disaster!!
Diamonds, especially, do not fare well when coming into contact with bleach. Remove diamond rings and pendants, pearls and platinum, gold and emeralds, and silver, too, before getting into a chlorinated pool or hot tub. Even hand washing clothes with a little bleach can ruin your diamond ring. The chlorine-based products may damage and discolor the mounting. And bleach also can eat away at gold and platinum, as well as erode the finish and polish on many gems.
Cleaning and Storing Diamonds
You have two simple options here. Place your diamonds into rubbing alcohol or a mixture of equal parts ammonia and cold water. Let them soak for a few minutes. Then take a brush with soft bristles, like a baby toothbrush, and gently clean your diamonds. Rinse off. And lay them on a tissue to dry.
You should store your diamonds individually to prevent scratching other diamonds or gold, or softer gems. Don't just throw your gems into a jewelry box and pile them on top of each other. You must take care in keeping fine jewelry sparkling and blemish-free.
Cleaning and Storing Cultured Pearls
Pearls are delicate and precious, and the more you wear them, the better it is for their luster because your natural skin oils are absorbed each time you put them on. Within 24 hours of wearing pearls, take a soft cloth and moisten in a mild soap and water solution and clean each pearl, one by one. Wipe off with a damp, cloth and allow the pearls to air-dry overnight.
Pearls do not belong in plastic bags for storing. Pearls need air to retain their glow. Place them into a chamois bag, wrap in tissue, or even better, a satin-lined box. And remember-perfume, cosmetics, and hairspray before you don your pearls
Cleaning and Storing Gold/Platinum
Gold and platinum are strong and lovely, but can dent while doing housework. And soap can make such metals look dull, so best to remove while showering. A nice way to restore the brilliance of gold or platinum is a quick dunk into some rubbing alcohol. Rinse off and then dry. If you have a little more time, mix a solution of dish-washing liquid in a small bowl of warm water. Soak gold/platinum for about 15 minutes, then gently clean with a soft-bristled brush. Rinse with lukewarm water. Then dry and buff your gold or platinum with a soft cloth.
Once again, you want to avoid scratching, so wrap your gold/platinum individually or apart from other pieces
Cleaning and Storing Sterling Silver
Sterling silver is the kind of jewelry that benefits by frequent wearing because it helps prevent tarnishing. If your pieces are tarnished slightly, rinse them in very hot water and pat them dry. Otherwise, a mild soap and warm water solution soaking works nicely to restore shine.
Wrap or store your sterling silver items individually in a closed box or tarnish preventive bag. Silver does not do well in dampness or air.
Cleaning and Storing Colored Gems
For colored beauties like rubies, sapphires, amethysts, and quartz, make a solution of a few drops of mild dish-washing liquid into a warm bowl of water. Soak each piece and clean with a soft-bristled brush. Rinse off and pat dry with a soft cloth. Treat your emeralds the same way. But have emeralds oiled by a jeweler every few years in order to maintain their special luster. And keep colored stones away from saltwater, too, which over time, slowly erodes the finish and polish.
Stored colored gems separately to prevent the chipping of softer items nearby, like gold and pearls.
The immediate advice was this: If you want to be sexy, try red.
Apparently, many women in Hollywood and those in politics, already understand the effect this hot hue has on the male libido. Helen Mirren knows. As does Kate Beckinsale. Anne Hathaway. And even Alaska Governor Sarah Palin often wore a red jacket to campaign stops for Republican Presidential nominee John McCain. And whenever Barbara Walters hits a Broadway show, she dons a bright red jacket.
So, ladies: Code Red!!!!
The authors of this experiment also noted "preliminary evidence that a display of red on a man indeed increases his attractiveness to women." However, women did not score other women in red as more attractive.
So, the science here, is that the color signals a man/woman mating thing.
Red is always appropriate for the holidays. Why not add a little, and conduct your own sexy experiment.
We think curls are beautiful, but there are women who will tell you, that trying to tame a big mass of curls, and sometimes frizz, is a major undertaking. And don't even mention the humidity. Don't go there.
We did a little digging, and found 2 brands Nicole Kidman uses when she wants to create a sleek hairstyle. But do take note, this major movie star also embraces her curls. She switches up the hairdos often, and even goes from her natural light red hair to a blonde mass of locks.But what if we were to tell you, that Neutrogena has introduced a 3-product line to powerfully zap zits, and has done so with an amazing pink grapefruit scent?!
Hey, we're hooked! The pink grapefruit smells yummy!!!
Neutrogena is always at the forefront, developing new methods to wipe out acne, fade fine lines and wrinkles, and keep you safe from the sun. We just had to try this new pink grapefruit trio:
Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash Pink Grapefruit Facial Cleanser ($5.99, 6 0z., drugstores). If you love their oil-free acne wash, try this one. With microclear technology. Clears breakouts. 100% naturally derived grapefruit extract. Eliminates oil and dirt, and rinses clean without drying out your skin.
Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash Pink Grapefruit Foaming Scrub ($5.99, 4.2 oz., drugstores). Another wonderful acne fighting wash in a heavier concentration. Loaded with salicylic acid microclear technology. A very effective acne cleanser with the punch of pink grapefruit.
Neutrogena Body Clear Body Wash Pink Grapefruit($6.99. 8.5 oz., drugstores). Refreshing, deep lathering scrub with salicylic acid. Gets rid of back, shoulder, and chest acne. And you smell really clean and pretty with all these foaming bubbles.
It seems like Angelina Jolie gets the right look every time she steps onto the red carpet. Check out this sexy, wavy hairstyle on Ms. Jolie. Hairstylist David Babaii created these luscious Veronica Lake locks with his signature WildAid hair products:
1. Wash with Amplifying Shampoo and Conditioner. 2. Dry with round brush and divide into top, sides, and crown, leaving nape free. 3. Curl 1-in. sections using a 1.5-in. FHI Heat iron then clip into pincurls to cool. 4. Brush with Mason Pearson paddle and finish with Mise en Plis Extra Hold Hairspray.