Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Buy A Real Non-Surgical Nose Job For $34.95??

Okay, we have to be honest here. We are mildly fascinated by this pair of small, weird-looking, but flexible nose splints, called the Nose Secret.

Yes, indeed. " A cosmetic nose corrector that works!"
At least, that is what their website claims. And you can 'buy' a non-surgical nose job for only $34.95 (3 prs., and free shipping,

The photos above look good. No, we can't prove the 'before and after' photos aren't from real surgical nose jobs or rhinoplasty, as the correct medical term is used. The website claims these are photos depicting the altered noses wearing Nose Secret.

Apparently, Nose Secret has been in business for more than 20 years, with international success. The product is now available here in the United States. The company explains that these small splints can save you lots of money and comfort from rhinoplasty surgery, and can give you results immediately. And they suggest---really wonderful results. A prettier profile:

"The Nose Secret corrector consists of a pair of smooth and comfortable splints that are temporarily placed in the nostrils to gently lift the tip of the nose resulting in a narrower and straighter look that enhances your facial features. Since the product is not visible when in place, nobody can tell you are using them(see photo above.)

Its anatomic form and flexible material allow easy adjustment without discomfort. The best part is that you can put them on and take them off whenever you want.

Nose Secret comes in three different sizes, small, medium and large to optimize fit and comfort."

We are sure that most rhinoplasty specialists would be steering people away from this flexible nose corrector. We do not believe that Nose Secret is harmful to your nose, but whether it really alters one's nose appearance, is another thing.

We're just bringing you some information in the world of beauty. Maybe we can do a follow-up article in the future and sit down with a real nose surgeon to get his take on the odd, but intriguing little non-surgical nose job device.

In the meantime, you are on your own. Place in nose, at your own risk. We'd be curious to know if there are any proud Nose Secret wearers out there.


  1. Is this for real?
    I mean, I cannot stop laughing. Who would seriously wear a couple of plastic sticks up their nose to fake a straight nose?
    I have a bump, but I would go get surgery before resorting to this assinine gimmick!!!

  2. LOL!!!!!!!

  3. This product is for real; I use it and it works. The splints aren't hard, they bend. Check out:

  4. Hi, a customer mentioned this blog the other day. My name is Fabiola and I am the Marketing Director at NoseSecret.
    The product is for real and the pictures are from some of our customers; they are not altered and they are not retouched.
    If you have questions, please contact us at or call at 201.266.0077.

  5. Under all circumstances so not buy this product, I purchased it and it got stuck up my nose and in the emergency room, this product is dangerous at all cost do not buy

  6. Sorry to hear that. Emergency room? and what was the diagnosis?
    I am using this type of product for over a decade and never had any problems.
    If you use it correctly, should be ok.
    I have recommended to a lot of people and never heard something like this.
    This product have done amazing things for me.

    1. hi what size did you use how often do you use it and has it has any effect on your nose when you take it out?

  7. Three years ago I had a rhinoplasty and was very disappointed with my results. My nose bent to one side, one nostril was shaped differently than the other, and my profiles looked like two different people. I was afraid additional surgery could turn out even worse and I didn't want to spend thousands of dollars again to take that chance. I decided to try Nose Secret and have been thrilled with my results. I bent each side a little differently to make up for the asymmetry in my nose and it worked! I wish I had known about Nose Secret before having surgery in the first place, but for the first time since my rhinoplasty I am happy with my nose. I am very grateful to have found this product!

    Jennifer, Georgia

  8. hi.i got this i wear a size small and i wanted 2 order only in small can i do this??
    also one broke , it just got hard and broke in half , is that normal??

  9. Wuteva u duz, do nawt use in ur anus, it feelz gud but it gotz stuck one time. I hadz to go to tha emerjuncy room and they had to remoove it with a tool. it hurtz bad.

  10. You can order one pair your size if you you wish. Make sure you clean the corrector with soup and water, alcohol or any other antiseptic product may affect the material.
    I use NoseSecret constantly and they have never broken for me.

  11. Do NOT buy this product. I used the small but it still was too "big". Even if it were smaller, there is no way it would stay securely in my nose. I quit trying to jam and manipulate it because it was certainly going to get stuck and I'd end up in the emergency room like Krista said.

    Biggest waste of $35. Of course they do not give refunds to dissatisfied customers. No more gimmicks for me.

    I'm pretty sure this forum has been infiltrated by "anonymous" Nosesecret marketers in attempt to diffuse the criticism - besides "Fiona" the "marketing director".

    I repeat, this product is a WASTE of money!

  12. I am glad I read Jennifer post before I went to get surgery.
    I have heard the goods and bads about nose surgery, and trying NoseSecret was well worth it.

    The product does what it claims. It may not replace nose surgery but fix what I needed to be fixed. As Jennifer said, her plastic surgery left her with a more defective nose.
    Therefore $34.95 versus a couple of thousand of dollars, was worth it. The refund policy didn't bother me, I have spent more than $34.95 in concealers to make my nose look narrower.

    As plastic surgery everybody has different experiences and different outcomes. I love this product.

  13. This is in response to the anonymous alleged customer of NoseSecret who the size small was too big for her.

    Please, contact the company if you have any unresolved issues so we can address your claim.
    Perhaps, if the size small was too big for you, most likely you are a candidate for nose surgery not for a cosmetic aid tool like NoseSecret.

    NoseSecret strive to provide the highest customer service and guidance to use the product correctly.

    If you have doubts that NoseSecret may not work for you, please contact customer service at

  14. will the results stay permanent or is it only temporary while you wear them? also what if it damages your nose? i used one of those nose clip things and it stuffed up my nose so bad. it's not high anymore!!

  15. The results are not permanent. However I can see my nose a little better even when I am not using the splints.
    Frankly, I don't see how it could damage my nose.

  16. Here is a video that may give you a better sense on how nosesecret works!
    It may not work for everybody but for me it is amaizing.

    If you have a severe case, your best bet is surgery, not a cosmetic tool.
    NoseSecret is worth to try.

  17. Wouldn't these plastic pieces have a chance of going up into your nasal cavity? I don't see how these are firmly held in. Isn't there honestly a chance of you taking a deep breath through your nose or sniffling and these becoming dislodged or actually "sniffed/snorted" higher up into the nasal cavity?

  18. In all my years using the nose inserts, I have never experienced breathing in and get the splints loose inside my nose.
    Pick your right size, make sure they feel secure from the beginning and follow the intructions in the package.
    I you are unable to follow the instruction you are better pay $4.000 for a nose job.

  19. I'd rather pay $4,000 for a Nose Job then lie to myself everyday sticking these plastic pieces up my nose.

  20. You've got more money to blow than the rest of us then, pal.

  21. .

    The Nose Secret product is, quite simply, nothing short of AMAZING!!!

    This product is very unusual in both that it has such a rudimentary, and easy to use, design AND (best of all) the FACT that IT ACTUALLY WORKS!!!!

    If anyone is even remotely considering having rhinoplasty – my advice is that they (save themselves lots of time, money, trouble, discomfort and uncertainly of results, by making the decision to) first try Nose Secret.

    The impact of this small device is so incredible that, after having used it, a person may change their mind about having rhinoplasty surgery altogether.

    The Nose Secret product is quick, easy, effective, essentially invisible and totally pain-free to use.

    In addition (unlike the typical ‘cookie cutter’-styled results that are so very commonly found among people who have had surgical nose jobs), the Nose Secret product seems to have the phenomenal ability to provide a customized-enhancement of a person’s nose features-- by presenting (in a mere matter of seconds to minutes) both ‘a more naturally-refined’ and ‘a more distinctively-designed’ version of the person’s natural nose.

    The customized-enhancement and refinement (complete with the ability to even induce ‘an upward tilt’ of the tip) of one’s nose, that is provided via using Nose Secret, results in the user of this product displaying a nose that appears to be a more accurate, uniform, symmetrical and complimentary match with all of their remaining facial features – and has the capacity to do so with far less time, money, and uncertainty of results than one would find with standard rhinoplasty surgery.


    (ALSO -- whenever their customers TYPE-IN the letters "RENE" inside the coupon code field at their website -- the company will even TAKE an additional 10% OFF the full cost the order.)


    Web Site:


  22. you have to keep them in all the time?! it doesn't reshape your nose for good?

  23. You do not have to leave the NoseSecret inserts in all the time.
    it is advised not to wear them when going to sleep, swim or work out.
    Some people wear them for the most part of the day other only for photos and special occasions.

  24. i mean, look: even if you do have the money to have a nose job, you could still mess up and get a bad nose job and then your fuked..for good. UNLESS you have another $4000 to fix the fuk up. I

    f there is even a possibility that you can purchase something for $35 and could work then why the hell not try it out? who cares if you have a small plastic thing in your nose lol really...woman padd their bras, they put shit in their shoes to be taller, they wear extensions so what's so different about this?.. if its going to make you happy and confident. everyone deserves to be happy..

    if it doesnt work then no take them out and you have your old nose back. Imagine the repercussions of a bad nose job. I just bought the product and will see if it works when it gets to my house tomorrow. I will comment and state if it works or not. if it works then plastic surgeons should be worried. Plastic surgery terrifies me and could definitely go wrong. I want to use it just for photo shoots to correct a mildly crooked nose. I will update tomorrow.

  25. Is 4,000 enough to pay for a rhinoplasty?

  26. I *WAS* going to buy this product, but 99.9% of the "reviews" sound like advertising. It's very suspicious. I'm left with a bad gut feeling on this product..

    1. I thought the same when i saw the product. I couldn't find proper reviews - just random blog entries. I went ahead and risked it anyway and I am glad I did even if I have had a mixed experience. First of all it cam really quickly so at least I know it's not a total scam. The small and medium didn't fit at all but the large does but if I laugh or eat it does get dislodged and I think if I pad it out with cotton wool to stop it slipping in my nose it might be okay. I have only had it a week and not really had a chance to use it - but think it could work to correct mild drooping of the nose - will keep you posted.

    2. I've been using this product for a month and I'm not trying to advertise it as I brought mine for £3.50 off eBay there's loads of different sellers. For the first 3-4 days it did hurt a little so I put a tiny bit of Cotten wool in my nose first before inserting them, but now I can't even feel them loool. It does make a lovely difference to my nose, however I DO NOT SLEEP WITH THEM IN and, I wear them for around 12 hours a day.....I hope this helps ��

  27. what is wrong w/ u people..of course it will lift your nose if your putting something in it. Whats wrong with it people where contact which is in your freakin eye but you cant put something in ur nose? 35 dollars isnt that bad to me =/ why not just try it. im thinking of getting it. of course i wont wear it alll the time...just like how you dont wear heels, weaves, contacts and a bra all the time. imma try it and imma come back with a review. wtf and for the people that went to the emergency room idk wtf is wrong with yall how did it get lodge in your noe wtf was u doing?

  28. hi! i'm reading the reviews on here and theyre all really negative and comming from people being overly dramatic and annoying yet havent tried it and have no idea what the hell is going on, so i'm taking the time to offer a different review for those people who need a little push. i actually tried this product its kind of good.

    so i kind of have a super ugly nose, my nose droops when i smile and my nostrils droop downward as well, and the bridge has a tiny bump (though i dont mind that). i saw this and decided to give it a try, it was only $30 and i was really curious. i assure you it has made a change in the way i look. its not drastic but i'd take anything that'll help the way my nose looks, i hate it. my nose does look narrower and more uptight, the nostrils arent as horrific and it hides the bump. sideways, my nose looks much more refined than drooped. this has been a life saver for picture taking.

    i'm not saying its perfect! it is comfortable, however, after a couple of hours it doesnt. it says so on the packet, that it wasnt designed to be kept on for too long, but its not like im gonna take it off in the middle of a day-long get together for example. it can hurt if you wear it all day. if you get a runny nose you'll notice that it gets slippery a bit, which cannot feel comforting, so its not for sick people.

    i dont think its dangerous though! im reading the reviews on here and people are scared it'll go up their noses but you'll notice that the pieces have quite the grip. i'm so sorry for the person who had to go to the ER but i have no idea how that happened, it doesnt fit in your nose that way.

    honestly i bought this to see what a nose job would look like on me and i think i'd be so much happier with one. i think i'm gonna start saving up sometime soon. i would totally go in and tell the doctor that i want my new nose to look exactly like this. but until i do that i'm wearing these. last night one of the pieces fell in the sink while i was washing them and i'm ordering another pair. sue me. i'd be happy to share my pictures for anyone who wants.

  29. Im going to purchase this device. Can anyone tell me whether they really like them and if they live in jersey?

  30. i was thinking getting surgery on my bumpy nose cuz i have a bridge on my nose.. so i wanna try this products 1st b4 i reconsider surgery later.. it is worth to try. if it is work or i like my nose after i insert it, i m NOT gona get surgery..:)

  31. I recently purchased this item. I have a wide & droopy nose, and it widens when i smile. I tried injectable fillers, and they just made my nose look bigger( i wasn't satisfied at all). I tried this product, and it does exactly what it advertises. It slimmed my nose, and lifted it up. I was very impressed by the drastic change of my nose. However, my biggest complaint is that... they're great for 2 hours, but after that, they feel EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE. I just wish they made them more comfortable, for longer use. I wouldn't mind paying more at all, if they were only more comfortable!
    -Stephanie (Miami,, FL)

  32. I have been wearing these splints for about 4 months now. I must admit that the first month was very uncomfortable, especially because i did not follow directions. You must begin with 30 minutes as the instructions indicate, and gradually wear them for longer periods of time. I now wear them for hours(10 a day),without any discomfort. The amount of confidence these splints have given me is what makes them worth it. I am very happy with my purchase.

  33. I am so willing to try this product! This a first! I have never seen any product for correcting the nose before. I had rhynoplasty when I was 15 years old for a broken nose. I'm 20 now. I also could only breath out of one nostril. I had also asked them to take some off of the bump on my nose while they were in there. After the surgery I still was unhappy with my nose... I could breath properly... but my nose look even more noticeably crooked. I still have a bump on it also. I really hope this product fixes crooked noses! My two profiles look completely different. My nose is crooked to the left. Does anyone know if this fixes crooked noses and bumps? I cant really tell from the before and after pictures.

  34. Say what ever you want but there is no product in the earth that give you instant results, with no side effects and the convenience to do it in the confort and privacy of your home.
    I do not change my nosesecret splints for any surgery in the world.

  35. i use it and i have not had any problems, except for when i wear it for wayy too long like 12-14 hours. other than that it really does work, and i look completely different. im way hotter, lolol anyone who does not like their nose, and wont buy this product, is only hurting themselves lolol. This is the fastest best easiest way to change whta you look like.

  36. i use it and i have not had any problems, except for when i wear it for wayy too long like 12-14 hours. other than that it really does work, and i look completely different. im way hotter, lolol anyone who does not like their nose, and wont buy this product, is only hurting themselves lolol. This is the fastest best easiest way to change whta you look like.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I just ordered this product, I am not looking for anything drastic but for the $72 I paid in total for the kit and to get it shipped to me. I better see something or its’ going back and my review is going on my blog/twitter/facebook you name it whether it works or not, watch this space :) add me on twitter to se my review with pictures @hbfwc

  39. Rhinoplasty in Indore is served by Marmm Klinik which offers economical packages and follows ups after the treatment within 6 months of treatment in a detailed and standard fashion.

  40. I'd prefer cosmetic surgery. However this product is AMAZING. I am still considering surgery because I won't have to ever think about oh, how does my nose look. I better not forget my nose secret and the potential it may pop out while out in public or, on a date. Yes, I have those fears. Otherwise - This product is the best thing since sliced bread. I love the instantaneous results. 5 stars from me!!!!

  41. This is also a very good post which I really enjoy reading. It is not everyday that I have the possibility to see something like this.
    non Surgical Nose Job


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