Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jennifer Esposito Credits Her Flat Belly With Zone Balance Board

Tired of doing endless sit-ups and gut-aching crunches? Why not rock your way to a flatter belly! No more lying on your back and contorting yourself into these difficult abdominal exercises.

Rock you way to a flatter belly? Yes. And sexy, slender actress Jennifer Esposito of Samantha Who? is a perfect example. She swears this little skateboard thing truly works!! The Zone Balance Pro Board($150,, is a balance board. But there aren't any wheels. Instead, the platform is perched on top of what can best be described as a rolling pin. (By the way, this popular board is temporarily back-ordered).

You simply stand on the board, and rock back and forth. Sounds like a piece of cake, but it isn't that easy. The object is, to stay on the board and not fall off. Believe it or not, you get a good workout because it is challenging your abs, or stomach muscles.

Jennifer says it's "a great way to switch up your tired old routine."

Fitness expert Gabe Valencia agrees that the benefits are there, as long as you keep up with it faithfully.

"If you're consistent, 10 minutes of balance boarding 3 days a week will give you better ab definition than 10 minutes of straight crunching."

Wow! That beats crunching. And it looks like fun, especially if you have ever tired skateboarding or surfing for the first time. And you can rock back and forth on the Zone Balance Pro Board while watching television, listening to music, gabbing on your cell phone. You get the picture. It doesn't require a lot of exercise space, and it's portable.

Jennifer Esposito is in great shape, having been a gymnast and an ice skater. But even this Zone Balance Pro Board is hard for a woman with excellent balance.

"You can do some serious toning. As you improve, concentrate on different areas--using your stomach more or keeping your weight in your heels to work the legs and butt. But don't try this in Prada wedges like I did the first time. Sure, you look stylish, but no one will be checking out your shoes if you have a broken neck."

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