You can row, squat, ski, and hula hoop your way to fitness. Even leg-extension exercises! In addition, the really cool aspect to Wii Fit, is its technological ability to weigh users and calculate their body mass (BMI) .
The platform or Wii Balance Board, allows the user to stand on and shift their weight from side to side, to control their in-game characters.
Training falls into four fitness categories:
Strength Training
Balance Games
What a fun and fit way to play! Get off your couch and off your butt! And that's exactly what Wii Fit enables the user to do---move, exercise, lose weight. Young and old can use the video game and it's family-friendly. Bonding physical activity to video games is a challenge for game companies, but this time, Nintendo has scored big. And with more than 40 physical activities to select from, you won't be bored easily.
For more information, visit: www.nintendo.com/wiifit
I thought Wii Fit was just yoga. I like yoga, but I don't feel it burns enought calories. Now that I know about all of the other stuff you can do with it, I really want it. It sounds like fun! Great article.
It sounds like a blast! You can even do push-ups on it....lol...Looks like a fun party game with the right crowd! Anything that gets us all moving, is great stuff, I say!
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