Saturday, June 14, 2008

Oprah and Bob Greene Take Their Diet Tips To Mississippi

Here we go, again.

Oprah and fitness guru, Bob Greene, are telling folks how to lose weight in a new way. And now, they're taking their diet tips to Oprah's home state of Mississippi, the fattest state in the country. One of out three Mississippians is considered obese. Yes, that is an alarming statistic, but how can Oprah claim to be a fitness and diet expert, after so many well-documented diet failures??!!

Oprah is currently in the last days of her 21-day detox diet. The divine Ms. O was inspired by popular author, Kathy Freston, and her book, Quantum Wellness. Oprah had remarked in a blog at her website, that she was jump-starting an inner makeover. In addition, Oprah had gained some considerable weight recently, and wanted to stream-line her figure.

Lets give props to Ms. O, for wanting to tone up, keep an uncluttered mind, and being forced to abstain from bread, sugar, animal products, caffeine, and alcohol for 21 long days. This vegan diet plan isn't easy. What is left to eat, Oprah asked? Kathy Freston said, there is plenty. Like brown rice, steamed vegetables, apples, blueberries, flax crackers with peanut butter. And so forth.

Oprah is on the last leg of her 21-day cleanse or detox diet. And she misses one item terribly. She explains it in her 21-day cleanse blog at

Wine…yes, I've missed it the most. It's amazing how many things I have to toast in life. We did a champagne toast with the crew today as we finished last show of the season. Neither I nor the Veganista Cleanse Team took a sip. That wasn't as hard as it would have been last week—that same team was at dinner with T.C. (Tom Cruise), where we did have wine. So we felt okay today. This cleanse has provided discipline and restraint. Only once have I craved chicken. Too many lentils that day.This week was harder without Tal, but we've managed to do okay. Yesterday, I prepared breakfast for the VCT before doing the show. I brought gluten-free waffles and Morningstar vegetable sausage that Tal had left in my freezer from his shopping at Whole Foods. Delicious and easy breezy to prepare.Eating more consciously now feels like a way of being. I actually think about how my food got to my plate. That was the whole point, right?Doesn't mean I'm committed to veganism…but I am thinking about what I eat and why. And from that I can never turn back.— Oprah

I'm proud Oprah is getting back on the diet track. But she has done so, over and over again, with mediocre success. Why does she have to take her personal journey on the road? Leave the good folks of Mississippi alone. Since when is Oprah an authority on weight loss?

This is one battle I wish Oprah would quietly fight on her own.


  1. How exciting !! I'm also trying for weight loss & your tips would be helpful to me in this context.

  2. Hi Paola:

    We all struggle with diets from time to time. I have personally found, that cutting back on bread is major for me. I think bread is the enemy. But it tastes so-ooo good. Check out the 'Flat Belly Diet' article I wrote. That diet sounds really tempting.


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