Friday, June 20, 2008

Oil Blotting Papers Zap Away Shine And Grease

Oil blotting papers have been around for many years now, and with good reason. There are plenty of brands on the market to choose from. And these tiny squares that resemble tracing paper, are a valuable beauty item.

You know you need oil blotting papers when you have very oily skin. And that's easy to identify. You have greasy skin with lots of unattractive shine, and you feel like washing your face every couple of hours. Some of it is genetics, and some of it has to do with your menstrual cycle. And some of you might just produce too much sebum. In other words, your sebaceous glands are working overtime.

You often hear about the 'T-zone,' when it comes to oily complexions. The 'T' area involves the forehead, nose and chin. That zone has the most oil-producing ability on the entire face. And many of you probably notice more breakouts and or acne in the T-zone.

The best oil blotting papers to buy, are the ones with flaxseed oil in them. Linen and rice paper are also wonderful oil absorbers. These three are able to mop up the shine and grease, and leave your face looking matte and pretty again. It would be wise to stay away from oil blotting papers made of mineral oil or powder, because those can clog your pores.

Oil blotting papers usually come in a little compact. You take one out at a time, and simply press these small sheets against your face, and watch the oiliness lift away. They're convenient, too, easy to tuck away in a purse or pocket to be used throughout the day.

One to try is Jane Iredale's Natural Facial Blotting Paper Compact made with flax seed ($11, for 100 sheets). Fore more information, visit:


  1. Wish I had read about these last week when we had a heat wave! I don't have a problem with oil unless it's really hot. Then I wake up every morning with an oily forehead and it feels like it lasts even after I wash my face. And summer's just getting started!

  2. Well, I have the oiliest face on the planet. No matter what I do, the oil production keeps coming. I put makeup on, and for the first hour, it's very nice. Don't ask me about the rest of the hours, because it's a difficult problem to tackle....I think these oil blotting papers would be excellent for you, especially during the really hot, humid days.


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