Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Personal Beauty Tips From Dr. Michelle Copeland

We recently spoke with world-famous plastic surgeon, Dr. Michelle Copeland, of New York City. She told us about her skin care line and the beauty treatments that bear her name. Dr. Copeland is very serious about healthy skin. And as she reminded us all:

"Everyone can have beautiful, healthy, and lustrous skin."

In today's article, we have taken a further look at Dr. Copeland's personal beauty tips.

We asked Dr. Copeland about vitamins and supplements. Is that baloney, or can they really play a part in delivering good skin?

"Daily use of a product with anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C, E, or green tea, is crucial. These anti-oxidants help to keep the skin clear, healthy, and nourished. Some moisturizers and serums now contain these anti-oxidants. The skin is an outward reflection of the internal situation. A diet rich in fruits, green leafy vegetables, herbs and spices and lean proteins such as chicken, give you the nutrients you need for healthy skin."
Do smoking and boozing eventually rob a woman of her youthfulness? We see a number of young models and actresses partying away, and they all look stunning. Does it catch up to them in time?

"Yes, definitely. Smoking causes vaso-constriction of the tiny vessels that feed the skin. The result is a complexion that's dull, as opposed to luminous. Smoking also deepens lines and creates furrows. Alcohol affects the liver and causes dehydration, making your skin crepey, sallow, and dull."

How bad is the sun for our skin? Give us the honest truth.

"Sun exposure. Simply put, sun is the single most powerful factor responsible for aging skin. Solar radiation doesn't just change skin pigmentation; it penetrates deeply, disrupting and weakening collagen and elastin(another layer that holds skin together), adversely affecting cellular turnover.

Sunlight also breaks superficial blood vessels and triggers the release of free radicals, destructive molecules that change cellular DNA and can lead to pre-cancerous changes in the skin.

Using a sunblock all year round is vitally important. I've created a sunblock with an SPF40, that includes clear zinc oxide, aloe, is PABA-free, and safe for children to use."

And lastly, do you have a favorite skin care tip? One that doesn't involve your skin care line?

"Loofahs and washcloths are the bane of my existence. You never want to break the normal skin barrier, and that is what loofahs do. I have told many patients to lose the loofah, and they flat out, will not do it. I'm not ordering you to throw away your loofah because I want to torture you. It's an issue of cleanliness and abrasion. Think about how warm and steamy your bath gets, particularly around your tub. As we all know, bacteria and fungus thrive in hot, moist climates. Skin is our body's natural protective blockade. You don't want to compromise it.

The small abrasions caused by harsh scrubbing, aren't visible to the naked eye, but they are plenty big enough for germs, bacteria, and their counterparts, to slide right on in and set up shop."

Dr. Michelle Copeland suggests that every woman adopt a sensible skin care regimen.

"Treat your body’s skin as well as you do your face. Having healthy, beautiful skin means looking after all of it, from hairline to heel. This includes product usage. So many products on the market are just that: marketing. I don’t believe the body skin requires a million individual items. There’s no reason to go overboard or load your countertop with hundreds of bottles."

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