Friday, March 28, 2008

Anushka's Special Tea Fights Cellulite

Here's the bad news---there is absolutely NO way to get rid of cellulite permanently. The good news---we CAN reduce its appearance and STOP further advancement of this dimpled fat.

Anushka, a world-renown cellulite pioneer for some 30 years now, has a secret tea that promotes beautiful skin and helps lessen the appearance of cellulite. (Dimpled fat can appear on thighs, buttocks, tummy, even arms).

"Raspberry tea. It's wonderful for women in general," Anushka says. "In addition to acting as a diuretic which helps reduce bloating (leading to a slimmer silhouette), it also helps alleviate menstrual discomfort and cramps, reduces heavy bleeding, promotes healthy skin, bones, and teeth. And when combined with peppermint tea, can help with morning sickness."

Raspberry tea is delightful to the palate. And Anushka says to drink it hot, or over ice with a leaf of mint.

For more on cellulite, visit:

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